Chapter 8

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Katelyn's POV

Niall and I are setting up a prank to let the other three One Direction boys know that I'm not a person who can mess up with. "Hey Katelyn, they are already here," Niall says as he peaks through the hole. I double check again making sure we are not pranking the wrong person. As I peak through the hole, it's them alright, time to take our places! But at this time William calls me:

Katelyn: Hello?

William: Hello Katelyn, ready for dance lessons?

Katelyn: Yeah, sure! But I need to teach someone a valuable lesson.

William: Are you sure about this Katelyn?

Katelyn: William, trust me. I know what I'm doing. Love ya, bye !

William: Bye !


Harry (Styles) POV

As we hop down the car, Louis, Zayn and I are finding ways to prank the new Princess. "So what are we going to do to the new Princess ?" I ask.

"Make her do all the chores?" Louis says

"Or maybe throw her into the pool while she is sleeping?" Zayn says which makes me and Lou crack up. "Boys, I think we should not be doing this. She's the Princess. Besides, she is the grand daughter of Queen E and little sister to Princes William and Harry," Liam says. I ignore him.

We reach the front porch, Liam rings the door bell. "C'mon in boys !" Katelyn says in a sweet way. As I open the door, I didn't notice there's a string so I trip over and I'm soaking wet with water. Louis and Zayn too! Accept Liam, he is all dry without wetting himself.

"So are you having fun with your Princess?" Katelyn asks with her arms folded.

"What? We didn't do anything!" Lou, Zayn and I deny it.

"Perhaps, I can prove you with this !" Katelyn as she takes out the gift that the boys gave her during Christmas last year. Well, she sure how to use well with this gadget.

Katelyn's POV

I press the 'play' button and let the boys every word they have said not long ago. After listening to it, the boys apologize to me, "We're sorry Princess,"

Niall and I start to clean up the mess we have made earlier. The house is now spick and span. I give each of them a dry towel to dry themselves. Suddenly, the door bell rings. "Hey Kate, William, c'mon in!" I let the Royal Young Couple inside the house. "Why is your floor wet?" William asks as he steps into the house.

"Oh, I just set up a prank to teach these three a valuable lesson not to mess up with their country's Princess," I stare at the three guys. "Okay, you can have fun but not like this! A Princess cannot put up a prank, am I clear?" William says, "Crystal clear, bro!" My phone starts to vibrate and sure enough Kendall calls me.

Kendall: Hello ?

Katelyn: Hey Kendall, what's up ?

Kendall: Do you want to go out on a date with me ?

Katelyn: Ken, I love to but I can't make it.

Kendall: Why not ?

Katelyn: Because I have some dance lessons at the British Council today.

Kendall: After the dance lessons, can we have a one-minute date ? I have an interview about our upcoming tour.

Katelyn: Alright! Hey, I have to go now. Kate and Will are waiting for me, love you.

Kendall: Love you too, Princess.


After the conversation with Kendall, I walk out of the house grabbing my green jacket with me. "Katelyn, Kendall was on the phone with you just now?" Kate asks. I nod my head "Yeah, he wants a one-minute with me before the interview for BTR's upcoming tour," I explain.


William's POV

I'm impress that Katelyn learns things in a snap. I'm so proud of her but on her 17th birthday which is also her coronation day as Princess we will have a surprsise ball for her. We'll just keep the secret until the day before the ball. After some dance lessons, we are at the garden having some tea.

"Katelyn, how's school going so far?" I ask.

"So far so good. Everyone wants to be my best friends," she says "But I manage to overcome with it,"

Around 5.30 pm, we send Katelyn back to her house and to my surprise Kendall is standing there waiting for Katelyn. "Hey Kendall, are you looking for Katelyn I persume ?" I ask Kendall. "Yes, William," he responds.

Katelyn's POV

I step out of the car, Kendall is standing at my front porch. Gee, how long he has been waiting for me? "Hey,Kendall," I hug Kendall. "Hey princess," Kendall pulls me closer into him. Before Kate and Will leave, I give them a hug. William kisses me on the forehead before he hops into the car.

"How about that one-minute date," Kendall says as he grabs my hand. I tell him today's event and the pranking part as well which cracks him up. "Wow, I didn't know that Princess Katelyn is mischievious!" he says with a cheeky smile. I give him a playful push. I'm lying down on the picnic blanket and Kendall crawls on top of me. This is it, our first kiss.

As we are about to kiss, his phone vibrates. I don't know when we can have our first kiss?

"Hey Katelyn, I have to go," Kendall kisses my cheek before I head back into the house. I slowly walk into the house and close the door gently behind me. "Katelyn, how's your one-minute date ?" Niall asks me as I lazily flop myself on the couch.

"Did you manage to have your first kiss?" Niall asks, I shake my head in disappointment. "You will have your first kiss soon," Niall pats on my shoulder before he goes upstairs. "Hey Niall," I call him, "Yes? Princess?" he turns and smiles. "Thanks," I say, "No problem, little sister," he says as he heads up stairs.


The summe holidays are around the corner and just a few more days before school ends. William gives me some invitation in conjunction with the Royal Welcome Ball. I hand to my three best friends during lunch time. "I hope you guys can attend this magical ball," I say. "We will come. We can't wait to see you dress up like a Princess," Crystal says with a smile, Tori and Andre nod in agreement.

I hope this ball would be a memorable one and who knows I'll be on stage singing ! Or BTR would come or One Direction ? Well, guess I have to wait.

Life As A Royal Princess (BTR/Kate & Will)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu