Chapter 17

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Kate's POV

Katelyn is improving a lot lately. The three of us are very impress with her performance. She is ready to be the new Princess of England ! She brings along a star chart with her all the way from Nashville. Katelyn told me before everytime she does a great job, she will recieve a star and when star chart is full, she always will get a surprise. I think that's a great idea to keep her motivated.

Our lesson end at 6.30 pm. "Katelyn, let's call it a day shall we ?" I ask Katelyn as I'm packing up my stuff up. "Sure, Kate !" Katelyn says beaming. "Besides, look at your star chart sis, it's like 3/4 full !" William says showing the star chart to Katelyn.

Katelyn walks over to take a look at her star chart, she smiles happily at the chart. "We'll meet you tonight at dinner okay," Harry says. "Sure, I'll be on time !" Katelyn says giving a thumbs up. "Katelyn, I say "You forgot something," Katelyn says "Oh yeah, I forgot !". She gives us hugs and kisses before she head to her room. William and Harry like their hugs from Katelyn and so do I.

Katelyn's POV

After a nice, cool and relaxing shower, I put on a comfortable out fit that I bought at Topshop few days ago. I see my phone keeps on blinking, I think it's a miss call or a text message. I sit on my bed and check the text message, as I click the 'open' button on my phone it's a text message from Kendall :

Hey Princess, how's your today ? Well the boys and I are having the time of our life here in London. But I still miss the two of us hanging out together. I'm really, really looking forward to our first date in London. From your prince : Kendall

I reply the text: 

Hey Kendall, me too ! 'm also really looking forward to our first date in London but you know I have a lot of official engagements nowadays. When I'm not having any royal duties, I'll give you call okay ? You know my new role it's really, really important. Love Katelyn 

I click the 'send' button on my phone. I'm still deep thoughts suddenly I hear a knock on the door. I get up from my bed and open it. "Hey sis, what take you so long in there," Harry asks as we walk out of my room and closes behind him.

"Kendall texted me earlier," I say sighing 

"Why ?" Harry asks 

"Because he wants me to bring me on our first date in London," I say. "We discuss this after this okay ? Harry says "Besides, we have a Royal Variety Performance is coming just in a few weeks. You will meet your favorite stars there !" 


I go back to my room. I head to my cell phone to see if there's any text or miss calls. Appearantly there's one from Crystal and a text message from Kendall. I call Crystal because I always handle the miss calls first then I handle the text messages. 

Katelyn: Hello ? Crystal 

Crystal: Oh hi Katelyn. 

Katelyn: You called me right ? 

Crystal: Yeah. I didn't want to bother your duties but Tori insisted me to call you. 

Katelyn: Oh, she's always like this Crystal (laughing) 

Crystal: (Laughing) Yeah, besides, you are the front page of the magazine !

Katelyn: What !? Wait, Crys, are you serious ? 

Crystal: Yes Katelyn. I am ! 

Katelyn: Why my brothers didn't tell me about this (feeling annoyed) 

Crystal: Katelyn, I want you to chill first 

Katelyn: This isn't making any sense ! Why am I on the cover of the magazine ? 

Crsytal: I don't know. Besides, they write an article about you, Kate and your two brothers. And oh my, a lot of people are obessed with your out fit and so does Kate's 


Katelyn: Hey, I gotta go now. I'll call you tomorrow okay ? 

Crystal: Okay. 

Katelyn: Send my regards to Andre and Tori 

Crystal: Sure ! Bye, Princess 

Katelyn: Bye, BFF ! 


After a long phone conversation with Crystal, I apporach the door to open it. As I open the door Charlotte standing right infront of me, "Good evening Charlotte. Anything you want to report ?" I ask. "Good evening Princess, Prince Will wants me to make sure you are fine," Charlotte says. 

"Yes, I'm prefectly fine !" I say giving Charlotte a warm smile. 

"Goodnight Princess," Charoltte says walking out. 

"Goodnight Charlotte," I say. 

William's POV 

Although I ask Charlotte to check on Katelyn but still I'm very worried. "Kate, I'm going to Katelyn's room to check on her," I say getting up. "William, can I come as well ?" Kate asks. "Sure honey," I say. 

Once we reach the door step, I open the door gently not trying to wake Katelyn up from her sleep. Kate follows quietly behind me, we can see Katelyn there lying soundly on her Princess bed. Kate covers her blanket and she runs her fingers through Katelyn's hair and pushes aside. I walk over and kiss Katelyn's forehead. 

"C'mon Kate, let's get some rest. We have some official engagments with Katelyn tomorrow," I say shutting the door gently behind me.


Katelyn's POV 

 I wake up at the crack of dawn because today I'm going on an offcial engagment with my siblings and sister-in-law. After I brushed my teeth and took a relaxing bath, I go to my wardrobe to choose the perfect out fit for today's engagment. I decide to let my hair down today and put a little pink lip gloss. After putting on my sandals and head down stairs for breakfast. 

I'm so surprise I'm the first one to savour breakfast. After savoring breakfast, I go back up to my room. I take my purse which matches my outfit suddenly I heard someone is throwing pebbles on my glass window. No one ever throw pebbles on my window ! I thought angrily. 

I open the window to let the fresh air come in once I turn back again, sounds of throwing pebbles is heard again ! I wonder who it is ? I'm about to find out who it is suddenly Harry comes in "C'mon sis, Joe is waiting for us already !" I say "Coming !" I quickly grab my purse and head for the stairs straight. 

Logan's POV 

Kendall is trying his best to attract the young Princess Katelyn's attention but I think it's not a great idea. "Kendall for the third time, Katelyn won't be attracted by your pebble throwing !" I say. "Aww c'mon Logan, that's what all Princes do to attract their Princesses," Kendall says throwing another pebble but I manage to stop him just in time. 

"Princess Katelyn is coming hide behind the bushes !" Liam says. And tree hat really help us a lot thanks to those Palm Woods kids ! We see Katelyn opens the window to let the fresh air in. We hear Prince Harry's voice "C'mon sis, Joe is waiting for us already !" Katelyn says,"Coming !" She grabs her purse and off she's go to her Royal Engagment. 

"See what did I told you Ken ?" I say. 

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