Chapter 2🌸 The Omega with Two Quirks

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     "You know, picking me up from my apartment is very unnecessary", Izuku says to the driver. The beta up front peeks up at him from the rear view mirror. "I'm just following orders from Mrs. Todoroki. She seems very eager that you be picked up."

      Izuku groans and leans back. "If she calls herself being nice then she should stop. This'll get old eventually. Also I don't like having favors be done for me."

      "Why is that?"

      "I just...don't." The chauffeur drives down the path to the side entrance of the mansion. Izuku steps out of the vehicle and closes the door. "A little word of advice", he calls out, "just humor the Mrs and allow her to have me drive you around. Just give it some time to become much more of a nuisance." The green haired man couldn't help the grin on his face. He nods to the other as a silent adequate understanding before he watches the man drive off. Fuyumi stood by the side door and grins. "Good morning Midoriya-san! Are you hungry? We have our chef over. You should taste some of his food. It's really good!"

      Izuku raises a dark green brow. "No thanks. I had a little something before I got here."

     "Aw okay. Maybe next time." Fuyumi closes the door gently once Izuku comes inside and she takes the lead towards the kitchen. "It's been a couple weeks since the last gardener retired and the workload had really doubled. So if you need a break don't worry about Yosaka getting upset." I don't think I have to, he thought to himself since the woman gave off an airhead aura rather than a strict woman. "Then it's best that I hop to it. I don't like to slack off."

"O-oh yeah, sure! Don't let me stop you, hehe." Avoiding anymore weird conversations, Fuyumi directs him on where to go and Izuku makes his way towards the backyard. Desperately wanting to avoid any jittery conversations with the young woman.


The cool morning began to bake the Friday afternoon. Sweat trickled the man's face and neck, clinging to his white T-shirt. "Damn it's hot." Izuku sets the two bags of soil on the ground and lifts the hem of his shirt, wiping the bodily fluid off his forehead. He would remove the piece of clothing wasn't really the best place to do that since that's reveal some marks he'd like to keep confidential.

     The green haired man plops down under the veranda and looks out at the lush grass. When he was by himself, his mind would always start to wander off. But with the lifestyle he upheld, his imagination used to get him into trouble. Brutally in trouble. Apparently when you weren't focused on reality it gets you killed quicker.

Suddenly there's a cool breeze. And with the humid air it confused him. The alpha's jade eyes cut over to his left to see the young master of the house crouches down to his level. His head was tipped over as he peered at him with magnificent eyes. "You seemed hot. I thought I might help", Shouto admits. He pulls his hand away from him and sits on all fours; legs bended at the knee to look like a wide 'M' while his hands rested in between them. The omega never breaks eye contact with Izuku. "Ah, thank you", Izuku replies.

"Mhm." They succumb to silence for that brief moment before the curly haired gardener speaks up. "This is your quirk, huh?" Shouto cups his right hand and lifts it up to Izuku's face. "Mhm...I use that more often then my father's." Intrigued, the freckled male looks over the left side of Shouto. He was, literally, half of his parents. Though he didn't know what the mother looked like, he had to guess that she had white hair and grey eyes as well. "So you have two quirks. Fire and ice, very interesting."

"Not really."

"Why not? Many people would love to have two quirks."

"They can have my father's. I hate the's a nuisance whenever I look at myself. It disgusts me."

Shouto lowers his hand and shuffled his legs so that one could be crossing over the other. It allowed the other to admire him a little longer. The long paste blue sundress hugged his upper half, accentuating his slim waist and hips. His white strapped sandals glistens whenever the sunlight hit them. Izuku thought it was cute how how toenails were painted blue and white. "You're staring." Izuku jerks his head up to meet Shouto's gaze. He blushes and turns away. "Sorry."

The dual haired boy smirks softly and leans back onto his elbows. "Don't be. It's nice."

"It ain't nice when a stranger is staring at you."

"You're not a stranger now. And you have a reason to stare...right?"

Now his face was inflamed. And Shouto was still using the right side of his quirk to keep them cool so it was faintly obvious that the way Shouto was speaking to him so shamelessly was a little alarming. Almost in a good way though. "I-I um...I mean, you look very nice in that dress."

"Thank you."

"'re welcome."

Izuku stands up and stretches his arms over his head. Mentally, Shouto threw a fit that he didn't want to sit there for a little while longer. But he kept his composure very well. "I don't wanna slack off too much. I'll see you later, okay?"

"Yeah. I'll see you, please don't overwork yourself. You'll make me worry."

"If you want to, you could stay outside and watch me~." There was a hungry look that swirled in the alpha's eyes. Almost predatory, making Shouto shiver right then and there. The apples of his cheeks filled crimson red and his leg rubbed together as if he were anticipating something. He smirked, a strange feeling of pride swelled into Izuku's chest. On instinct he liked that he could make the other fidget in his place.

     "I-I could. I....I" Izuku chuckles and stoops down to Shouto's level. Without even thinking in time with his actions, his hand goes up to Shouto's face to hold his jaw gently. And like some strange sort of instinct, the peppermint haired beauty holds on to his wrist but never pushes him away.

Fuck, he's cute, Izuku thought. Luckily he had taken his gloves off earlier so the rough pad of his hand got the liberty to caress his chin. Centimeters away from those pink full lips, the bottom of them being tucked between Shouto's pearly white teeth. "M-Midoriya?" By the mention of his name, he surprisingly wakes up from his trance. He thumbs over his chin once more before leaving his side. "I'm just kidding Todoroki. Sorry if I startled you."

Shouto was flabbergasted when the man left his side. He could still feel his burning touch linger on his face. You didn't startle me....I just wanted you to do a little more than that.

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