Another Plan

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Hera got to her feet. The HoloPad was done downloading all of the information that she needed. She unhooked it from Heinz's leader destroyer. Hera, upon remembering that looked up to her right. She grasped the corner of the panel with the horrific symbol and tore it off. A loud crack shuddered the silent air.

Eva wheeled around. "What was that, Hera?"

Hera held up the paneling.

"Oh," Eva responded.

Hera walked over to the messy worktable. She sat on a stool and gripped the HoloPad, hard, while skimming over the downloaded information and schematics. Her fingers fluttered over the screen as she edited the sources.

"What are you up to?" Soal asked, strolling over and placing her hand on the table while looking over Hera's shoulder.

Hera grinned. "Reconstructing our ticket back into the proper orbit."

Soal slapped Hera hard on the back. Her neck craned and head turned to look at Hera directly. "No way!"

She glanced at Soal. "Yes way."

Soal wrenched Hera into a hug.


"You are so awesome!"

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