Old Ties

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8:50 A.M.

Footsteps, like those of heels, pitter-pattered like firecrackers down the hall leading to a heavy steel door. A woman - her hair pulled tightly back, her skin taut against her cheek bones - wore a plaid, brown skirt with a solid brown dress jacket, the shoulder pad's raised high, seemingly stuffed with unused tissues. Her chin came to rest upon a metal bar, a red HoloDial appearing before her. After setting the combination, there was the sharp metallic ring of disengaging locks, and a soft hiss.

The woman stepped through the doorway.

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Lumina - who still was a little queasy - let the concrete wall support her weight as she stood talking to Heinz.

"So, is it really true," she asked, "that you updated me with an annual play by play using Soal's name to hide your own?"

Heinz grinned as he looked at Lumina. "Yes." He held out an open palm, waving it at the neon green bars around him. "Why else would I be locked in here?"

"To deceive me. Like everyone else."

Heinz opened his mouth to reply, but another voice cut in. "Oh, don't worry about him deceiving you, or stabbing you in the back. he was always more loyal to you than me."

Lumina shifted in her spot until she was facing the person belonging to the voice. Her eyebrows knitted together and her jaw tightened as her teeth clenched. A fire ignited within Lumina's chest, but somehow, she was able to keep it in check so that she didn't explode. "Well look who it is. I was wondering when I'd get a look at you after nineteen long years. Man. You haven't changed."

The corner of Soal's lips quirked upwards a little ways, her eyes lit with an evil, twinkling gleam. One of her hands dusted at an overly fluffed shoulder on her coat. "I've tried to keep my thirty-one-year-old figure."

Lumina snorted. Soal glared.

"Anyway," Soal continued," you've changed quite a bit since our last encounter. If I'm correct, I think you were fatter."

Lumina nodded. "Yes. But by trying to run away from crowds of people ready to attack and accuse, I've certainly become thinner."

"Oh, I feel so bad."

Lumina laughed. "I really think they should be accusing you though. You're the one responsible for splitting the Earth in half."

"That'll never happen."

"Oh. Right. Because of your little project."

Soal's lips thinned, a smile spreading across her face. "Then I should indulge you. I'm feeling generous today, and it's been forever since I've showed you one of my many accomplishments."

"I'd be delighted. Your creations always did ignite a longing within me, inspiring me to build something grand myself."

"Oh? How wonderful. I never knew you cared that much."

"I honestly did."

The neon green bars disappeared in front of Lumina. Soal stepped in, handcuffs at the ready. The firecrackers beneath her feet went off as she came forward. Soal circled around Lumina, dragging Lumina's arms with her, to handcuff her hands behind her back. Then, with a quick shift in movement, Soal's mouth was inches away from Lumina's ear, whispering one question. "What lies have they tickled your ears with?"

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