Chapter Seven

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With the breakfast on hold, Can wrapped his arms around her waist, picking her up and heading down the hall to the bedroom. They smothered each other with kisses, feeling the pressure of the three sleeping babies in the room down the hall, that could wake up at any moment.  They both knew that this wasn't going to be the record setting encounter they had the day before, but when the need arises, you have to take what you can get. It was a frantic, ripping off of the clothes, and getting down to business. It didn't take much to bring them to the point of conclusion, and they were left breathless again, sprawled on their bed. Can looked at her, "Sorry babe, that wasn't as romantic as it could have been, but sometimes it's hard for me to control myself around you." He stated, gently moving the loose hair away from her face. " It was more than romantic, it was almost primal, and I loved it." She said, scratching his beard with her fingers. He grabbed her hand and kissed her fingers, " You are fantastic mommy, I guess we'll have to get use to these quick ones." He smirked, sealing it with a kiss. 

With the breakfast cold, Can tried to warm the omelettes, but that only made them worse, so it was cold toast and tea, to hold them until lunch. Just as the first cry came from Deniz, Can's phone rang, she motioned to take the call as she hurried to the nursery. She had caught Deniz in time, before he woke the other two. He was soaked thru and needed a complete bath, so she ran warm water in the bathroom sink and sponged him off. He was dry and happy, and ready to eat. She decided to take him to the living room to eat, away from the 2 sleeping babies. As she entered the room, she heard Can, " I'm quite aware of the value that your company would bring to the agency, and I will be more than happy to accommodate you company in any other way, but modeling is out of the question." He spouted firmly. "My responsibilities are to my family, and I intend to be here for them as much as possible." Looking around to see Sanem standing there, he shook his head and rolled his eyes. She smiled and sat down to take care of Deniz. Can ended the call, with a thank you, but no thank you, making the person on the other end a bit more demanding. Sanem was surprised at his insistence of not modeling, she knew he would be good at it. Can was agitated with the call, " I had already told him that it was out of the question, and he called again, why." He said. Sanem said quietly, " Well, why don't you want to do it?" It might be a good opportunity for you and the agency." She asked. " Sanem, I'm not a model, I couldn't do it." He stated, throwing up his hands. " Besides, I don't like being backed in a corner, or being forced." He said, as one of the other Divit babies decided it was time to get up. He quickly got up, walking towards the nursery, " This is my job now, and that's all I want to do." He stated. 

Emre and Deren, had already been on the phone with Mr. Erkem, and the answer from Can didn't set well with the owner of the company. They both knew how stubborn Can could be about thing like this, so to get him to change his mind would be almost impossible. " Deren, don't get you hopes up on this campaign, without Can it probably won't happen." Emre told her, after hanging up from Mr. Erkem, and Deren agreed. " Ms. Gulden, why did she have her heart set on Can, what did she have to gain," he thought. But whatever the reason, he didn't think Can would agree to any of it. They had found a couple of very suitable models, both were open and able to start work immediately, if the company agreed. One was a bit younger than Can, but had the same stature and features, but the hair was short and he was very groomed, with no beard. The other was a bit more rugged, but his head was shaved and again, no beard. Emre just wanted to meet with the owner, just to see what she has in mind. So Mr. Erkem was to call back with a meeting time, if it was possible. So they carried on with the campaign as normal, hoping for the best. 

Can had taken care of Yildiz and Ates, while Sanem made them some lunch. a simple grilled turkey sandwich, that's hard to mess up. It would be time for their play time on the floor after they had their lunch, that always tired them out and they would be ready for bed. Can had made three trips back and forth from the nursery, to bring in the bouncy seats and the blanket, then the babies, Deniz and Ates  first, then Yildiz. He carefully put each one in their seats, fastening them securely, and then they sat down for their lunch. They loved the time in their seats, it let them move around and feel their movements. Can talked to them constantly as they ate, Yildiz was the one that listened intensely to the sound of his voice, her eyes searching for it, wide and filled with amazement. The other two amused themselves with the feel of their own fingers in their mouths. Sanem loved to see the different expressions they each had. She wanted to grab her notebook and write down all the things she felt and saw but her time was so limited, sometimes she had to do it in the middle of the night. But she still logged everything that happened, she knew they would appreciate it one day. With the lunch finished, they both crawled up on the blanket between the babies and followed their daily routine of family time. 

Emre was excited to get the return call from Mr. Erkem, informing them that Ms.Gulden would be able to meet with them the next day at 1:00, If that was acceptable to all parties, but she did expect Can to be there. Emre made the call to Can, " Abi, I have good news, Ms. Gulden has agreed to meet with us tomorrow at 1:00, but you have to be here." He said, dreading to hear his response. " Emre, I told Mr. Erkem that my place is here, and I'm  out going to model." He stated, sighing at the thought of leaving the house. "Can, just come and see what the deal is, you can still turn it down, but at least heard them out." He suggested.  Sanem heard as he refused to go,   " Maybe it would be the right thing to do," she stated, " That way you can tell her your decision to her face." Can threw his head back, " Ok, ok, I'll go, but Emre, do you have another option for them to pick from, did you get some other models lined up? He asked. He told him they had photos of two choices for them to chose from. " Good, then they can pick one of them." He stated, " I'll see you tomorrow at 1:00." And I don't want any surprises." He spouted. 

Sanem smiled, giving him her support. "Why did she just urge him to go, when that was the farthest thing from what she wanted."  

" I always hated it when other women tried to take control of him, because he was to blind to the fact." But I have to trust him".......I have to trust that he loves his family......

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