Max's PoV

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As I'm waiting for the rain to pass, a lady walks up to me with her daughter, about 6 years old I'd reckon.

Daughter- "Mummy, it's Max! From F.O.M.O!"

Mother- "Yes, I see."

I smile, trying to hide my tears.

Mother- "Hey, are you alright? You look upset."

Me- "There's just a lot going on at home, I needed to escape."

Mother-''Do you need a ride home?"

Me- " I'm ok, but can I use ur phone? I forgot to grab mine when I left."

She hands me her phone and I call Harvey. He tells me that Tilly had snuck out to find me and that him and Dobby followed her. I explain to him why I had left, and give him my approximate location. I thank the lady for stopping to help, and soon after she leaves, Harvey, Dobby, and Tilly arrive and we walk home.

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