Tilly's PoV

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I've been waiting for Max all night, and I've heard nothing. Not a single sentence including his name. Mum has called the police, but they won't do anything yet because Max is almost 18, and hasn't been gone but a few hours. So I'm taking things into my own hands....Well, with Dobby's help. I sneak into the kitchen and quietly make several sandwiches. Then I take them back to my room and start packing. I grab a large bag, and put in a blanket, mine and Max's phones, portable chargers, several bottles of water, 2 flashlights, and the sandwiches on top. I put on clothes that can get messed up if necessary, and tie back my hair. Then I tip-toe into Harvey's room.

Me-"Harvey, wake up."

He hesitates.

Harvey- "What do you need, Tills?"

Me- "I'm leaving, I need to find Max. Dobby's coming with me I'll be fine. Just cover for me."

Harvey- "No, I'm coming too."

He jumps out of his bed and changes clothes."

Harvey- "I need to find my twin!"

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