Max's PoV

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I feel a few drops of water fall on me. I reckon it's about to start raining soon. I sit up and can obiously see better than yesterday, being that it is daytime now and there are no tears currently in my eyes. I decide to keep walking and eventually see a bridge. I go sit under it to get out of the rain. I start crying again as I think about everything that has happened. My family thinks I'm missing. The Millsies have no explination for me not being active on social media, leading them to worry.  I was Tilly's favorite, and I can't imagine how she must be feeling. I miss her. I miss Mum. I miss Dad. I miss Harvey and Leo. I know it's stupid, but I miss Pippa and Freddie. I miss Curly and Pingu. I miss work (never thought I'd say that). I miss the fans, and how I could pour out my emotions to them and they'd listen to me. I miss writing music. I acctually miss Harvey's horrid guitar/ukulele playing. And I miss Dobby. I miss him most of all. I like him...A lot. But how do i come out to everyone? I wipe my tears away and watch the rain fall.

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