Chapter 7

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Even angels have wicked schemes
And you take that to new extremes
But you'll always be my hero
Even though you've lost your mind

"What am I going to do with you?"

Klaus looked at the sulking hybrid who was leaning against the tree, glaring at the ground and then at him once he'd spoken. There was always the option of killing him, but Klaus wanted him alive. Wanted to see this broken, angry look in the boy's eyes for as long as possible. He had given him a gift, allowed him freedom from the moon and Tyler had thrown that gift back in his face, tried to kill him, turned the rest against him, and thought himself someone important, someone who could usurp control from him. Klaus had gotten his retribution; killed the pack the boy had tried to take from him and murdered his mother. Nearly had done away with him as well, but a small mercy had been extended. One the whelp had carelessly thrown away.

There was always the option of letting him go off on his own again, but what worried Klaus was where the Lockwood boy would end up. Obviously not Mystic Falls. There was nothing waiting for him there and he didn't need Tyler causing any problems for him in New Orleans. Though his compulsion from earlier should hold. The boy wouldn't be able to tell the wolves anything about him. It'd be simple enough to enforce that with not allowing him to speak ill of Klaus to anyone. Mostly, he wanted Tyler to suffer and Klaus couldn't ensure countless centuries of suffering for the boy if he was dead.

Tyler hadn't spoken; instead he'd watched the Original, trying to figure out what was going on in Klaus' head. He had no idea how the situation would turn out, but he did know that baiting him wasn't a good idea. Not that he cared much about anything at the moment. The bastard had finally taken the last thing from him that he had left in the world and no matter how many missed calls he got from Caroline, nothing was going to fix the mess that was their relationship.

"Rip out my heart and eat it for dinner?" So much for not baiting.

Klaus chuckled at the idea. "And miss out on you living out your miserable existence? I think not." He stepped closer, silently assessing the boy. "I do have to wonder what exactly you were doing here though. Why you were with these particular wolves?"

Tyler pressed his lips together, intent on not saying anything, but knew it was a losing battle. Klaus could always compel it out of him if he really wanted. He still hadn't been able to ingest any vervain. "Tell me and let's not leave out any details," Klaus compelled, watching the boy closely.

"Hayley called me shortly after you left me," Tyler replied immediately, though he sneered at Klaus in disgust at the tactic. "She's in trouble and thought that the weres might be her birth family and that they would be able to get her out of New Orleans."

The she-wolf. Of course she had called the boy and like the fool he was, Tyler Lockwood had come to help the girl. "And what trouble is it that she's currently in?" Klaus inquired, wondering what she had told him.

"The witches have her trapped there. She can't leave the city limits and it's your fault. They've tied her to them in order to have control over you." His brow scrunched in confusion. He had never quite understood that part. Why would tying Hayley to them matter at all to Klaus? Considering she had helped orchestrate the whole death plan it hadn't made too much sense, but Tyler had been able to hear the truth in her voice, her desperation shining through each time they had talked.

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