Chapter 1

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I know you're torn
And in between dreams
But it's all you've ever known

There was something to be said for silence, and while Caroline might usually be one to fill it up, spouting off about who even knew what to hear something, anything other than nothing, walking arm in arm away from the now discarded graduation cap and gown, she found herself with absolutely nothing to say. No words were needed, though her mind was ablaze with a thousand of them, ranging from delight at the thought of Tyler being allowed to return to concern over how Bonnie must be doing with putting the veil back up. But there was little reason to voice any of them. The Hybrid walking beside her probably already knew some of them and she doubted he wanted to hear the rest of them. Certainly not the ones about Tyler.

Arm tucked carefully into Klaus', she didn't worry about the fact that there were a dozen hybrids, witches, and who even knew how many more ghosts out there wanting their revenge. The veil had fallen, and any supernatural being that had died and was on the Other Side had a chance of crossing over. Most seemed to be out for revenge, only a handful wanting to spend time with those they had been forced to leave behind. Before the fateful massacre in the woods only weeks before, Caroline's death toll could be counted on her hands, but the hybrid walking beside her had an unimaginable one at his own feet and she could only imagine how many of them were seeking justice.

Though, considering how easily he had taken out the one witch and scared off the others, maybe none of his previous kills were foolish enough to come back around for a rematch.

"What are your plans for the night, love? Isn't it customary for there to be some sort of celebration after these ceremonies?" Klaus asked, breaking her from her reverie.

A year ago there would have been a party planned. Something to continue the joy that graduating from high school was bringing herself and all of her friends. After the last year or so though, the simple fact they had all managed to graduate was enough and everyone was off doing their separate things. "Elena is spending time with Alaric and Jeremy before they're gone again. Same with Stefan and his friend Lexi. I think Damon is on bury Silas duty and Bonnie is lifting the veil back up."

This left only her and Matt unaccounted for, but her ex had slipped away and Caroline had a feeling he wanted to be alone after the chaos of the day. There hadn't been any sign of Vicki or her father and she wasn't sure what that meant. She'd check in on him tomorrow. "And your mother?" Klaus continued, pace slowing and Caroline realized they were nearing the parking lot.

"She got called in. We're doing our own celebration tomorrow morning over chocolate chip pancakes." Or that was at least the plan. Hopefully Mystic Falls would spare her mother for the few hours that would take. Caroline had a feeling her mother might make a point to put aside duty for an hour or two for breakfast. Especially if Silas was in the ground and the ghosts were no longer an issue.

They had stopped walking, feet straddling between the pavement and grass and she slipped her arm out of his own, but didn't move further away than that. It hadn't been that long ago when she would have deliberately put as much distance as she could between them, when she would have verbally sparred little attacks in his direction to keep him away. Now she was accepting his offered arm and allowing kisses on her cheek. Granted, she hadn't quite expected that, but three months earlier and she would've tried to break his nose for such a bold move. Now, she should bid him good night and get into her car and head home to...well, that was the thing, wasn't it? What was she going to go home and do?

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