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Hi Guys, welcome to my book!

This is a oneshot series that I decided to write bc I had a couple of good ideas that I didn't want to turn into books (you know cause I'm lazy). As I'm writing this I realise how mad we all were when the HD writers decided not to give us the Chenry and click baited us the entire season. So as a tribute to what could have been or rather the greatest couple that never happened, I choose to compile a collection of my own self written imagines. Before we continue I have set up a couple of rules (boring right) just to make a couple of things clear.

Disclaimer :

* I do not own any of the videos, gifs, songs and pictures used in this book.

* Please no stealing of ideas, I do not appreciate plaguerism.

* Some characters in this book are real individuals yet all the events in this book are strictly fictional

* Mature Content will be included in this book.

* Commenting and voting is mandatory when reading.

Anyway I hope you enjoy what I have cooked up for all of you.

With Love

- Wondergirl 🖖♥️💋✌️
( Carmen )

Seasonal // Chenry/Jaele Oneshots {On Hold}Where stories live. Discover now