Chapter 13 : The Ring

Start from the beginning

"Why's she canceled?" Thanks to Youngbae. I was about to ask, anyway.

"Not too much information but kinda like some of her schedule issues accidentally don't link with ours, especially in here. Don't know why."

"Probably because of the re-scheduling of us. That's why she can't be here," T.O.P hyung says.

"And who's gonna shoot with Jiyong hyung today?" Seungri asks. I stay quiet, listening to them filling me in instead.

"I don't know. We're gonna find out after opening the gate. She might be here by now," Daesong says as we all are about to reach the doorway of the building.

"I bet she came. Girls need 25 hours per day for wearing makeup," Youngbae jokes.

"You seem to have lots of this kind of experience, huh?" I tease him.

"Last time, Hyorin stood me up—waiting for her coloring her face for two hours straight just to have a small dinner with me," Youngbae murmurs. "As if you didn't use to have this kind of stuff, dude," he helplessly teases me.

"Not yet." I shrug, half-grin to myself.

I honestly want to boast him that this kind of thing won't actually happen to Daisies and me. I've watched her preparing herself for out-going, especially this morning. She absolutely isn't a materialistic girl at all, but that doesn't mean she's not fashionable like me. All I'm telling is she already has a gorgeous face and a nice figure. She doesn't need too much makeup nor uses a very long term to get a full face-dressing. Daisies has her self aura, and that's why she particularly uses just few minutes to prepare herself before get going out. You may say I am the luckiest boyfriend in the world who doesn't have this kind of boyfriend issue thing—about waiting for girlfriend to dress up or her shopping for hours.

But to be honest, there's still a tiny problem for me, too. As Daisies is not an absolute brand-new fashion girl like I am. She rarely wears high-brand clothes. Maybe never as I've ever seen.

Anyway, I don't genuinely mind at this point, but deep down I just have the feelings about spoiling her as much as I could get for her appropriately. Honestly, I want to give her my money just she ever asks for to afford her problem and get herself the best thing as she deserves, but she doesn't. She's sort of a stubborn person. Long story short, don't worry, I have my way. The way of boyfriend thing should do.

Me and my four boys finally on the set, behind the cameras, meeting the director. We greet and make friends as we're supposed to do. We are talking briefly about our processes.

"Let's see again after you dressed up. I'll check on the camera," the director says. "By the way, I'm not in a rush, though. You guys may have a chat with CL first. I don't really mind about it."

I immediately get wide eyes as hearing the name.

"CL? What's with CL?" Thanks again to Youngbae.

"Oh. I thought you all knew that already." The director looks a bit surprised.

"Knew what?" This time it's definitely me asking.

"CL is now replaced for Angelina Denilova; the Russian model. After I've seen Jiyong and CL's extreme cemetery on the few previous stages together, that's what I thought it'd be a great idea ever to match you two in a scene. Fortunately, she also has a free schedule for us."


I secretly sigh and T.O.P hyung pats my shoulder cheerfully.

"Oh, there she comes." The director gazes at the doorway. In the same time that I start to hear high-heels clicking against the floor, approaching to us.

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