Chapter 12 : What about Your Stuff Will Be Here?

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"Daisies! Dinner is ready."

"Coming, Daddy." I quickly put down a pen on a note paper, leaning my guitar against the armchair, and dash to the stairs. A few seconds later I run back to move the guitar onto the bed instead. Dad had worked two shifts for a week to get this for me, so don't let him down seeing it has even a scratch.

My dad has been obsessed in the kitchen when I reach downstairs. He's holding a full pan and then slides the leftover on plates.

"Watch your step. The fifth one isn't fixed yet," Dad calls out from the kitchen, and it's too late. My foot accidentally drops into a wood of a staircase.

I scream. "Dad!"

Dad scurries to me. And when he sees me being blind one leg in the wood, there's a colorless face of him that I clearly see.

"Daisies. Are you hurting?" He seems more threatened than me, lifting me up then deposits me on the last stair step.

"No," I honestly reply, even if my leg obviously has a few scratches. "It's okay, Daddy. I just need it." I give him a look.

He starts to laugh awkwardly but still unable to hide a concerned look. "Sure." then digs a plaster from his pocket before kneeling down in front of me.

"You never change, Daisies," he coldly says, bending his face down while sticking a plaster on my leg. I narrow my eyes. "You never stand on your own feet. You always make my life such a fucked up. Why were you born?"

"Dad...You're okay?"

His tone obviously sounds so cold. I try to seek to watch his face, but he keeps bending his head too down beside my leg.

"If I didn't have you, my life would've been better and so picturesque. I could have kept studying until I got B.A. or even Ph. fucking D. I could have had a perfect job and a lot of money. And one day...I could have married and had cool kids. I could've had a perfect life like a movie, Daisies," he splashes the coldest tone of speech than I've ever heard. I hardly try to look down to catch his look.

"Dad..." Tears sliding down my face. "Look up, please. I'm scared."

"You're such a parasite, Daisies. Drop the whole future I was supposed to have into pieces. Why were you born? Why were you born? Why were you born!?" He raises his voice up and keeps repeating the last words with his tears dropping down on my leg.

"Dad. Please stop." I'm about to lift my leg up from him. And he quickly catches it, squeezing badly. I try to pull it up, but his energy is too strong.

Suddenly, he stops repeating the words, but still not lets me go. I'm completely so excited. He's never been so cruel like this before.

His other hand putting some silver dazzling thing from his pocket before Dad slowly looks up. And when his face turns to me directly, it's not Dad. It's Bogum's face. He stares at me grinning like an evil.

I hate it.

"Bona ya. Shall you call me uppa?" His smile is so disgusting and it's completely scaring me as hell.

I'm fearfully staring at his evil terrifying grin, pulling my leg out from him so badly when he's not letting me to do so. I try to make a word but my mouth turns perfectly numb. Groaning extremely inside to speak like a deaf person.

"Mhm hmmm." That's all that came out of me.

"Don't be scared, Bona ya. Your father is here. Call me uppa. Uppa. Uppa."

I bloody want to yell 'Don't call me that name.' as hell, but all the words I manage to say have dyed inside my throat already.

"Call ma uppa!" he yells horribly. "Call me!"

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