Chapter 32 : We're so Sad, We Paint the Town Blue

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"That's Delansey Kim. I heard she's Bogum's secret daughter," says a grey-haired woman on my other side.

"Really? I thought she just came through the funeral because she used to date with Jiyong—you know, ex-boyfriend's bandmate's father," says another old woman who's leaning herself against the Church's post, her arms even touching me.

For granted, I believe they dare gossip me in my face because they are certainly positive that I can't get their language which now...I secretly do.

What the mouth-breathers.

I irritatedly turn to Marco, who's the only company in this funeral with me since this is an urgent Korea trip and neither Liza nor Ruby have their own passports. Leading him to the bench as far as we could be out of the gossip earshot, I still can hear them continuously chatting from behind.

"Ooh. See that guy walking beside her, Yoobin?"

"Oh, my...I bet he is her new boyfriend. How doubtless she is, huh?"

"I can't wait to see when Jiyong and him in the same room..."

Dammit. Now I guess I am not supposed to have learned Korean to be in Korea. This place is excessively full of mean people. Having the language skills to watch their TV shows and Dramas would be the best choice instead of visiting the actual area.

As Marco and I are sitting on the half-taken bench in silence for a moment, the Church slightly begins to be busy full of strangers in black and white. I can't help skimming the eyes around the room—searching for GD.

Part of me feels relieved that he's still nowhere to be found, but the rest is simultaneously filled with thoughts of meeting him—what am I supposed to react when we actually meet? Should I greet him personally? What if he thinks I'm actually with Marco and barely talks to me?

I shake my head to get rid of crazy thoughts and focus on the funeral that seems to start in minutes. In the meantime, I feel a tapping on my shoulder and look up to see the three of my boys all the time—Daesong, Seungri, and Youngbae, and also Hyorin greeting me with their sincere gestures.

"Such a long time no see, huh, Bona ya," says Daesong. I excitedly give him an one-armed hug then to the others. They all hug me back and we begin to chitchat together.

"I've missed you guy so much," I honestly admit, tears jabbing at the corner of my eyes. So do they.

"The penthouse has been silent since you left," Seungri muses and I can't help rubbing his head playfully. Even though he and I have video-called sometimes, he still looks more grown-up than we actually meet in action. I bet the mentality stuff made me more cooler.

Later on, I notice Min Hyorin has a dazzling ring on the finger. And I then found out that she and Youngbae are about to tie a knot together next year. I can't help being happy for both of them. They're totally an excellent couple I ever met.

We all have a chitchat for a while as waiting for the funeral to begin in minutes. Also, I introduce Marco to them as a personal manager. So glad they look totally convinced that I'm really not dating with him like everyone here prefers to think. And yes, I also can't bear asking them about GD, and recognize later that it's still up in the air whether he comes through or not. We have to wait and see. I deep down know that he's terrified of seeing me and I start to feel ashamed, even though Youngbae encourages me that it's not my fault and GD is such a loser—joining T.O.P's dad's funeral is importantly the first priority than the idea of bumping into me.

Then, I force a beam at the boys when there's a massive guiltiness stirring inside my chest. I completely forgot folks' glares and gossipy whispering on me in here as long as I'm with the my favorite people. Especially when T.O.P finally joins us after taking care of the guests, including his mom, Choi Dajong. He still looks awful and pathetic since he picked me up at the airport and managed himself my hotel. He's been talking and sharing his rough feelings towards me—not only his father passed away, but also he is having a fight with his secret girlfriend. That's why we're all still unable to meet her in person. Honestly, I never see her before, not in any kind, but I'm glad at least T.O.P finally has managed to settle down on one, and he seems to have a massive love towards her. I wish he could get through this hardest time as well as it's possible.

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