Soul Searching

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A/n: as usual please read tell the end. Ily all! Comment and vote as well (((: thank you!

After I has settled into a small compacted yet cozy room on the third floor of the house, I began unpacking. I had only brought what I needed. I had a thousand dollars for emergencies only, two pairs of shoes, five pairs of my favorite brand of jeans, seven shirts, and toiletries.

I didn't really need anything other than that.
I flopped down onto my plush bed and soaked in the silence. Quiet was comforting. The sound of silence was music to my ears.

Mostly because as I grew up, it was hard to find any quiet time for myself. I tried to shut the world out and just think to myself, but I couldn't. It was like a spell.

As I grew older the harder it was to concentrate in school. I would crack under pressure. In the fourth grade when I was forced to give a speech to my fellow classmates about my family I tried not to let the nerves get to me. I tried to pretend that they weren't there and they weren't talking.

I tried to pretend that it was quiet but it wasn't. Even though their lips weren't moving I knew they were talking. That's when I first knew I had the power of telepathy. Currently, the rest of the the coven was down in the basement learning new spells, so I decided to take a look around.

The house was pretty huge after all, and I didn't like getting lost in it. Blindly, I walked around the third floor until I stumbled into someone's room. It was much larger than mine. The widows were stained glass, and the dark hard wood floor left me feet cold.

The lights were turned off, and on the group sat a girl. She looked no older than seventeen, with lilac pixie cut hair, and pale skin. She was sitting criss-cross with her eyes righty shut, as she muttered words I could barley make out under her breath. It sounded like a spell. She opened her eyes and jumped back at the sight of me.
"W-what are you doing?" She asked me.
Looking down at my hands, I answered, "Well I don't know what you're doing, but I'm just walking around my new house because I live here." She looked up at me with an annoyed expression.

I could tell I had pissed her off. Something must've snapped inside of her because within a second she lit every candle that was later out around the room. I jumped back slightly in fright.

"I'll have you know, new boy, that this is my room and that if you're trying to make a good first impression it's not going so well because so far, I don't like you."

"I feel indifferent towards you."

"Whatever. I'm Tess, and before you ask, no my power is not to be able to light a candle. It's telepathy, just like you, Luke." She smirked at me.

That cheeky bastard...

"Nice to meet you Tess. Do when I first walked in you seemed to be concentrating really hard on something. Might I ask what that was?"

She sighed heavily. "Well you see, I can light every single candle in this room s at once and I don't even k or hoe. Something just snaps and it just happens. I can light ever single one of these candles do well it's like s natural instinct. Yet I can't light one by itself. It frustrates me because I try so hard yet it doesn't ever work! It's just one stinking candle for crying out loud! It's not like I'm asking to light all the candles in a church."

She took a deep breath, calming herself down. "I'm sorry it's just things like this frustrate me in so many ways because-"
I cut her off, "you try so hard, but in the end it doesn't even matter. " I finish for her. She looked up at me with a puzzled expression.

"How did you....oh that's right. Telepathy." she reminded herself.

"I know I'm not supposed to ask you questions about certain people, but can I just ask you, why is Calum so shy? What tragic event shook him so badly that he's afraid of the world?"

Tess ran a hand through her hair and started at her dirty converse. "When Calum was around the age of nine his dad had to leave him and his mother behind so he could go take care of Calum's grandmother who was ill at the time.

Calum's mom worked part time as a nurse and when she wasn't doing that she was a therapist. Calum had to rely on himself most of the time. He had to find his own way to school, make all of his meals, and be responsible for paying some portion of the bills by raking leaves in the neighbors yard.

He didn't complain though. He was just thankful that at the end of the day he had a roof over his head and food on the table. He was a good kid.

Then one day, Calum came home from school and his mother was crying on the couch. Apparently Calum's dad had gotten into a car crash, and died. Calum was heartbroken. A week later when Calum woke up a bright Saturday morning. He found his mother dead on the kitchen floor. There was blood everywhere and Calum was left scarred.

For the next few years he lived with his aunt and uncle in New York City. He wasn't the same happy little kid that he used to be. He had changed.

He didn't talk to anyone and he rarely ate. They could barley even get him to come out of his room when he has a friend over.

Then he came to us when he was thirteen and we took care of him from then on out. He still is the quiet and shy Calum that you met, but he's getting better. And I think with you around it can really help him.

I know it may seem to early in your friendship with him to assume anything, but I can already tell that there is a connection between the two of you. I'm psychic by the way. I've seen your further Luke and Calum plays a big part in it.

I've seen your dark and then I've seen the bright light that shines down on you. Calum and you are destined to be together. It's just fate that you met."

and with that I left the room and retreated back to the safety of my own room. For a while three minutes, the longest of my life, I stared at the wall. The only thought on my mind was Calum.



Calum Fuckboy Hood.

Just by looking by him could make anyone want to screw him into oblivion, and if I was legal I'd have my way with him any day. He's honestly the perfect image of cuteness combined with handsome and hot. If you mix the three in a pot, out will come a fuckboy who goes by the name of Cal.

I was honestly shocked that he was still single. I mean, a bit of his beauty would've assumed to have some sort of lover, but he didn't. I couldn't blame him, if I had lost everyone I loved I wouldn't want to fall in love with someone. My fears would get the best of me and I'd be so paranoid that they'd die on me.

No wonder Calum shuts people out, it's all because he's afraid that everyone is going to leave him and that he'll be alone, but that's not the truth. The truth is that if he just let us in maybe we could understand a little better.

I don't even know what I'm saying, my thoughts were so clustered up by Calum that I couldn't even focus on the world around me. You can't blame me though, if you saw Calum, you'd be on the ground wheezing because he's just too hot to handle.

Ugh why couldn't I get him off my mind?!

Then it hit me.

I have an obsession with Calum.

But to be honest who doesn't...

A/n: this was really fun to right and omg I talked to Just_To_Kool the other day for the first time and it was MAGIcal. Okay it's 1am I'm tired and my eyes are all swollen and puffy. I won't be active bc I'm having surgery tomorrow so yeah. Bye- Anna

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