✿ ice skating

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Yua happily dragged Aone through the sidewalk with a grin. Yuas soft hand held Aone's bigger bigger and slightly rugged hand, his fingertips were rough, it was obvious he played a sport. His hands were also the opposite of Yuas.

Yua had soft dainty hands, his fingertips were soft because he swam, so his hands would turn all mushy and then soft. His hands were also always cold, but it was something that Yua liked about them, when he felt hot he would simply press his hands against his cheeks to cool off. While Aones were rough and warm.

'Is this what it would feel like to hold a real polar bears paw?' thought Yua, he gazed down at his hand holding Aones and shrugged, if Aone wouldn't pull away, neither would Yua.

As they finally neared the ice skating rink Yua started speeding up, still dragging Aone beside him, he reached the doors and pushed it open, passing through and holding it open for Aone.

They both reached the desk, the man sitting there rapidly typing on his compute, but he looked up once seeing Aone and Yua right in front of them,

"H-hello and welcome, what might i do for you today?" he slightly stammered, Yua looked up at his name tag.

'Yuuri, thats a cool name' he inwardly whined,a small pout becoming visible in his outward expression, Aone slightly nudged him forward, and thats when he realized he hadnt answered Yuuri.

"Ettoo, we're here to rent some skates" Yua stuttered out.

Yuuri nodded and asked them for their shoe sizes. Aone slightly leaned down and whispered a soft "..9.." in Yua's ear. The latters cheeks quickly becoming red at the sound of his voice and the hot breath close to his ear. He also looked down before looking away, the blush on his cheeks making him look like a cherry.

"Ill take a pair of number 7 and another pair of size 9"


It was now after they had gotten their skates, Yua laced his up and then helped Aone lace up his, he then grabbed his hand again and stumbled both of them over into the rink, it wasn't empty, but it also wasn't full. Aone somehow had full control of his balance and did not stumble once on their way to the rink

Yua stepped one foot into the ice, swinging his free hand around to gain ballance before standing up straight, He swiveled around to grab onto the railing, but like any cliche story he slipped again.

He flung his arms around wildly for a sec, until he felt a hand wrap around his waist, he stopped flailing his arms and looked up. In Yuas view Aone appeared upside down, his eyes showing some concert.

Yua grinned and stood up again, Aone's hand not slipping from his waist,

Yua giggled ans skated off backwards, Aone slowly skating after him.

The both had fun chasing each other around, with Aone even falling once, although Yua made sure to capture that in a video.

Finally the pairs time was over, they skated to the rinks door, Yua giggling like an idiot while Aone slightly smiled.

They took of their skates and handed them back in, putting on their shoes they smiled at each other.

That walked out of the ice rink together, Yuuri bidding them goodbye.

The pair then continued to walk to Yuas house, the walk was silent once again, they didn't need to talk and Yua wouldn't force Aone to talk anyways, he also enjoyed his quietness, it calmed him.

Yua abruptly stopped in the middle if the sidewalk, also stopping Aone on his tracks, he suddenly pulled out his phone. "Aone-Kun..wanna take a picture?" he said looking up at him, giving him the puppy eyes.

Aone nodded and slightly leaned down to Yuas height as he pulled the camera app on, He then swung an arm around Aones shoulder, and grinned while looking at his phone. The corners of Aones lips pulled up slightly, but Yua didnt mind. As he gazed at Aones eyes through the camera he could see an emotion that made him smile even wider. In his eyes there was a glint of happiness.

Yua snapped the picture and put it as his background, smiling at it, but then they continued walking towards Yuas home.

As they arrived on Yuas gate the pair stood awkwardly, that was until their gaze was focused on Yuas mom, June, who was painting a rose on her easel.

June felt their gazes and looked in their direction, she then grinned.

To Aone, her smile reminded her of Yuas smile, they were almost identical, although he preferred Yuas more.

June speed walked towards the gate and smiled teasingly, "so your the Aone I've been hearing a lot about?"

Yua blushed and looked away, coughing into his arm.

Aone simply glanced at June, and bowed.

June grinned, pleased with his manners and slighty bowed back. "would you like joining us for dinner?"

Aone gazed at Yuas blushing from and blinked for a few seconds before turning back towards June, "I dont think Kaito-kun is okay with it" he gently whispered.

Yua swerved towards him, stammering throughout his sentence. "I-I dont mind A-Aone-kun"

Aone hummed, gazing at Yua with a calculating gaze, Yua simply smiled back, trying to reassure him.

"I'll accept the offer Kaito-san" he bowed again.

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