✿ g-goodbye?

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For the rest of the bus ride, Yua spoke to Aone, receiving an endless amount of silence along with some quiet answers.

It was more like a one sided conversation, although Aone did speak in some times, mostly to express his opinions on the topics Yua brought up.

Yua noticed the exited glimmer in his eyes Aone gained when he mentioned sports, the latter telling him about his volleyball team. Yua had to slightly lean in to hear Aones quiet rambles on how chaotic his friends were.

Yua could hear the passion in his voice, it made him happy to know what made Aone happy.

"do you do any sports?" quietly asked Aone, looking down at Yua with a questioning gaze.

Yua smiled, and nodded slightly, "I do swimming" he answered.

And he did, Yua's parents had forced him into swimming since they wanted him to be more active, not happy with the fact that their son stayed inside all day watching romantic shows instead of going out there and experiencing everything for himself. And that's how Yua met swimming.

Contrary to popular belief. Yua actually likes being active. The feeling of adrenaline going through his veins exited him to no end.

Aone nodded, the small barely there smile of his still there. Yua actually found it quite cute. He thought Aone looked like a bear, a polar bear to be exact.

With his big frame that could probably swallow him up, and his shaggy white hair. Yua wondered if he gave great hugs, 'he looks like a hugger' he thought abstinently, lost in his daze of looking Aone up and down, practically eye raping him.

He was brought out of his daze when the bus lurched forward, him almost falling face down out of his seat and onto the floor, Aone quickly grabbed him by the back of the shirt though, stopping Yua from making a fool of himself.

He leaned backwards, Aone letting go of his shirt, and rubbed the front of his neck, inwardly whining about how it hurt. He looked up and was surprised to already be at his stop, usually it took him a good 40 minutes to get home, but he didn't notice how fast it went.

It all felt like 10 minutes to him.

He stood up and gathered his stuff, slightly pouting at the thought of leaving Aone behind, but the thought quickly went away as he noticed Aone also gathering his things.

He grinned giddily as he followed Aone out of the bus, a slight jump in his step, he was exited to be living next to or close to Aone, the taller male had caught his attention, and Yua wanted to get to know him better since they were friends now.

Yua kept following Aone, until the latter turned around and quirked an invisible eyebrow.

Yua tilted his head, "are you trying to ask why I'm following you?" he said uncertainty. Aone nodded and said nothing.

"my house is also this way" Yua said with a grin, Aone took that answer and let his confused expression drop, switching it with a blank face and a little upwards quirk of the lips.

Aone and Yua kept walking until they reached Yua's house, " I guess this is it" he said with a small pout, not wanting to leave Aone. He then brightened up, an idea coming into his head, he looked through his pockets and fished out his phone, extending it towards Aone.

"want to exchange contacts?" he asked with his signature grin.

Aone nodded wordlessly, taking out his phone from his pocket and exchanging it with Yua's.

Yua smiled at the little volleyball keychain on Aones phone, quickly filling out his contact information, Aone doing the same, before the two switched phones again.

Yua walked towards his gate, opening it before quickly regretting it, he could already hear the thunderous paws hitting the floor as his two dogs ran towards him. One of them was Fish..yes, he knew the name was stupid, but its what his kid brain came up with. Fish was a big Doberman, fully black with a white underbelly and white dots around his eyes.

He had had Fish since he was a baby, that was his best friend, and a very loyal dog, who for some reason loved to hump Yua's leg...we don't talk about those moments.

The other dog was Puma, Yua's husky, she was black and white, with the usual husk coat. He considered her to be the most spoilt thing he had ever raised, one puppy dog eye look and he was already mentally crying from the cuteness.

Puma was the princess of the house that barely got told the word "no", because if it was said she ignored everyone and proceeded to throw a fit.

Yua tried bracing himself for the impact of his two dogs colliding with his lean body, but was immediately thrown onto the floor, two huge dogs on top of him, his face full of dog slobber.

Aone was quick to try and help, somehow managing to pick Fish up and hold him like a baby, while Yua managed to push Puma back, the dog already starting to howl and paw at Yua dramatically for interrupting her greeting.

Yua blushed slightly, embarrassed at the events that just happened and at his face coated with dog slobber, he quickly shoed Puma inside, the dog barking at him before running away and Fish jumping from Aone's grasp to follow her.

"i-uhm, sorry for that" Yua stammered and chuckled nervously, covering his face and beginning to walk inside the gate. He was stopped by a hand landing on his head and patting it a few times.

He swiveled around, looking up at Aone with a surprised expression and a hand on top of where he just pet him, Aone bowed slightly, beginning to walk away quietly.

"I, uh, g-goodbye?"

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