swinging like Apollo

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I went out the bathroom with my sport top and some long black leggings. I saw Ruel's door half opened

- you sure you don't want to come?- I asked without looking. I really wanted him to come. As he looked me up and down, I felt a cozy feeling in my stomach. I couldn't feel this way. Not again.

- we'll see- he said with a grin on his face. I went downstairs

Coco appeared with a lot of mats and we put them on the floor, while Sylvie was looking for a video to do and I was stretching.

- when are we starting? - Ruel asked coming from upstairs clapping his hands. He was wearing some red sport shorts and a white tank top with a headband that didn't allow his hair to go all over his face.

- look who decided to show up!- I exclaimed trying to hold my laugh

-what are you wearing?- Coco exclaimed and we couldn't help it but laugh.

- shut up Coco- he said coming next to me on a mat. I was still laughing, he looked me with a sour face but his eyes said otherwise.

It hadn't been 5 minutes since the video started and I was already sweating

-Ruel! It's not fair if you only do half of them- Sylvie said doing a push-up

- okay I'll try...- he said

The video ended and Ruel grabbed a towel and passed it by his face. I suddenly felt a wet cloth on my back.

-uggh how can it be wet if you didn't do half of the exercises?!- I exclaimed but he just shrugged.

- I'm so down for a swim- I stated laying down heavily on the mat, closing my eyes.

- yeah! That's a really good idea! I'm gonna put my swimsuit -Sylvie exclaimed

- come on- Ruel said offering his hand to help me standing up but I didn't take it. I folded the mat and passed right next to him shoving his arm. It would have been cooler if I shoved his shoulder. Perks of height difference.

I put the first bikini I saw, but I needed help to tie the back. Yup! I couldn't do it myself. I exited my room running with one hand the bikini's strips and the other hand free to knock.

- wait a moment I'm changing!- she said from the other side of the door. Come on Coco!! what if somebody saw me and by somebody I meant –

- want some help?- Ruel asked exiting the bathroom with his clothes on his hand. My heart skipped a beat. I face palmed myself for not knowing how to do this. I nodded. I turned around and hand him the strips of the top. When he was doing the knot, his hands brushed my back and it sent shivers down my spine.

- that's it- he said

- thank you- I muttered and tried to went back to my room with my face looking at the ground

-I'll meet you downstairs- he said opening his door and throwing his clothes to the inside. He did the head salute. I let a breath out that I didn't know that I was holding

-yeah- Coco appeared on the door. I let a little laugh.

- it's already fixed- I said pointing at my back where Ruel's knot was.

-oh shit I'm sorry... did Sylvie help you?- she said closing her door with a towel on her hand

- Actually, Ruel did-

- I'm gonna check just in case- she joked. I laughed nervously.

When we arrived, Ruel was already on the pool

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