The Feeding

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A very angry Bella stood in the livingroom, blood dripping down her arm after she'd sliced herself open, simply to torture Victoria. Zara had to physically restrain Victoria, in order to keep her from attacking Bella.
"Bella, please stop, you're torturing her, this is just cruel!" She demanded. Bella only smirked and pulled her sleeve up, making the cut more visible to the starving vampire. Victoria hissed and tried harder to get out of Zara's grasp, so Owen stepped in and grabbed her also.
Victoria was crying now, desperate to get to Bella to fulfill her vicious cravings. Zara knew she had to get her mind off of the blood, so she turned her towards her, and picked her up. Victoria calmed down to a small degree, but not much; she was practically drooling over the smell of Bella's blood. Zara had just begun rocking her, when she felt a sudden, and sharp pain in her neck. She yelped and quickly realized Victoria had bitten her. Owen tried to get her to let go, but Zara pushed his hands away. "No, leave her, Owen. She's hunrgy."
"But... she'll turn you into one of them, Zar!" He argued. "I don't care, better me than Bella. Now please, just let her finish."
Owen sighed, sometimes he hated how caring Zara was; it'd gotten her into trouble countless times.

At long last, Victoria removed her teeth from Zara, and snuggled into her chest, quickly falling asleep now that she was full. She hadn't even realized yet what she'd done, but, it was better that way. Zara admired her, stroking her curly red hair as she slept peacefully. She carefully carried her upstairs, and laid her down on her bed.

After several minutes, she returned to the others, who were all giving her worried looks.
"Guys, I'm fine. I don't feel any different. " she said.

And, she had been right. It truly was no big deal. Hours passed, days even, and Zara showed no signs of being turned, or of any other normal side effect of a vampire bite. She was completely fine. This, would prove to be very useful in the near future.

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