18 A Friend

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Waking up next to someone you love is the best feeling in the world. I can't help but watch his chest rise and fall as he lightly snores. I've found my new favorite pass time is drawing patterns on his chest as he soundly sleeps while I'm laying on him with his arms around me.

"You're staring." Tobey states still sounding sleepy.

"Your point?" I respond continuing to move my hand across his chest.

"No point. Just an observation." He finally opens his eyes to look at me. "We should get ready, My Luna."

"Or not? We could just stay here." I suggest and he sighs.

"As much of a little temptress as you are I do have work to do. As my Luna and co-leader of my pack you are welcome to help." He says as he stands up.

"What would I be doing?" I ask.

"You could hang out in my office and help with paperwork..." he begins while putting on a shirt.  I scrunch up my nose not liking the suggestion. "Or you could interact with the pack. See what we need to fix, talk to the people, see if anyone needs help, take care of the pups... that would be Typical Luna duties."

"So you're job is to do paperwork and be boring and my job is to hang out and talk to people?" I oversimplify his statement as I begin to get dressed.

"Your 'job' is to be the heart of the pack. People will trust you and come to you then you tell me what I need to do. You are my puppet master. You decide what needs done. I have final say but you as my mate can help me see what the pack needs. It's who you are more than it is a 'job'." He explains.

"So you're the figure head but I'm in charge." I grin at him and he rolls his eyes. "So I guess I'm really Alpha around here." Before I can say another word he has me pinned to the wall.

"You are My Luna. You can make me do many things, little mate. You control me more than I will admit to anyone..." he whispers in my ear as I try to steady my breathing. "But get one thing straight EV. I am Your Alpha." He kisses his mark and I have to grip his shoulders to remain upright. "Do you understand your place now?" He asks as he continues his assault on my neck kissing all exposed skin.

"Mmmhummm." I hum enjoying his touch.

"We're going to be late." He says throwing me back onto the bed.


Once we are finally dressed I decide to meander about the pack. People do seem more comfortable talking to me than Tobias. A couple families need help with home upgrades. One mother of 3 was recently widowed and needs help with basic necessities. I end up on the training ground observing the warriors.

"Push! Come on! You're Delta and you can't take down a warrior! Put him on the ground Zach!" Beta Trevor yells as two men fight. I laugh as the Delta, Zach, is thrown off of his opponent.

"I could probably take Delta Zach." A familiar voice says beside me.

"Bishop! I haven't seen you since the Games! I forgot you were in this pack. So you a warrior yet?" I ask.

"No... you see my Alpha has been too busy dealing with his mate to notice anything else." He tells me as we watch the fight.

"I'm sorry, Bish. I didn't mean to mess that up for you." I apologize.

"Its all good Luna... I guess it will just be another year as an Omega. Maybe next year." He shrugs but I can tell he's disappointed.

"Nope! Not happening." I say as I drag him toward the pack house.

"What are you doing?" Bishop asks as I pull him along.

"Fixing this." I respond. He tries to argue but I stop him and move faster. I don't bother to knock as I enter the office.

"Everine?" Tobias asks surprised to see me. "Why are you dragging a man into my office?"

"Do you know who this is?" I ask him.

"The omega, right?" He responds.

"This is my friend, Bishop. He is going to be one of your best warriors." I tell him with a smile. Tobias walks around his desk looking at me.

"And why would I want an Omega as a warrior?" He asks eyebrows raised.

"Well... because I asked should be enough... but I know you want more proof of his abilities so have you looked at the scores from the games?" I answer.

"I haven't. My focus has been on my mate... so beyond knowing Trevor and I placed I've had no reason to look." I notice Tobias's gaze fix on my hand that is still holding Bishop's. I quickly drop it and take Tobias's hand leading him back to his desk.

"Look." I command him wrapping my arms around his neck from behind as he sits in his chair. He ruffles through some papers. I notice a flash drive and photos of me in the file on the games. This boy is obsessed! It's kinda cute. Even when I pushed him away he was interested.

"12th? You nearly got a mate out of this. Why are you an Omega?" Tobias asks.

"Sins of the father." Is Bishop's short response.

"And how do you know my mate?" He continues his questioning.

"We spent a lovely evening together before the games." Bishop answers. I feel Tobias stiffen. Stupid idiot!

"What he means is we talked and made fun of Alpha Gavin at the dinner before the games. He actually spoke rather highly of his Alpha." I run my hands over my mates chest so he doesn't punch my friend for being stupid.

"Warriors train twice a day. 5AM and 3PM. Beta Trevor handles most training. If he accepts you I won't argue. You start tomorrow... now please leave Bishop." Tobias says. Bishop smiles and nods before running out of the office.

As soon as the door closes I feel Tobias tighten his grip on my arm as he flips me. I land on his lap looking up at him.

"So my little mate... tell me exactly what went on between you and the Omega." He says playing with my hair.

"Ummm... nothing?" I tell him but it sounds more like a question.

"So you didn't kiss him?" He asks.

"Okay that was just to tick off Alpha Gavin! He was trying to claim me and I had to prove I wasn't his. Honestly I was putting Bishop's life in danger." I explain.

"You're right. You were putting his life in danger. Do you know how long I fought the desire to rip his throat out? He kissed my mate. Made her laugh. I am a jealous man, Everine. Then you drag him in here. Hold his hand. Petition to have him promoted. If you would have tried that before you chose to be mine he would be dead." Tobias calmly states.

"But I'm here with you, not him. So you have no reason to be jealous." I respond.

"True... but I think you should prove you are mine." He says as he picks me up and has me straddle his waist.

"That can be arranged." I smile before kissing him.


Okay so if you want a finished story stop here I had more plans but I'm taking an indefinite break from writing on here so I may not finish the rest.

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