Chapter 1: Holey Moley

Start from the beginning

"Uh huh", Jeff says side eyeing her.

"Anyways, some pedestrians are caught behind some of the trees, you guys need to free the pedestrians and take down who ever is causing all of this", Gambi replies.

"Ok, dad you take down who ever is doing this and me and Jenn will help the pedestrians" Anissa states.

"Ok girls give me and Gambi a minute we have something to talk about", Jeff says.

"Right now in the middle of a mission, I mean we already been talking long enough", Anissa replies.

"Then go ahead of me and I'll be behind y'all"? Jeff states.

"We're suppose to go together!", Anissa replies, "We're the only members of the team remember".

"What's that suppose to mean?", Jeff asks.

"You know we're wasting a lot of time, with you nagging dad about how much time we have, and him nagging back at you for nagging him about how much time you have and me nagging the both of you about how much time we have and....", Jenn says.

"Get to the point", Anissa says.

"We need to go, Dad don't be long", Jenn says pushing Anissa out the door.

"But Jenn, Dads all off his A-Game, this team must.....", Anissa says fading off into the distance.

"Ok now that they're gone what is it, cause Anissas right y'all are wasting a lot of time today!", Gambi replies.

"So were not gonna talk about TCs empty casket", Jeff says.

"I've been looking into that and I tracked his chip if I can pinpoint his last location, I can go there and investigate where he might be", Gambi says.

"Well I think you should take Lynn with you on these little investigations, Jeff says.

"That's a good idea but for right now you need to get to the girls", Gambi replies.

"We're not done discussing this!", Jeff says running out.

Gambi shakes his head and begins monitoring the mission.

"Girls Jeff is right behind you start rescuing the pedestrians", Gambi says through the mic.

Jenn flies over and sees a group of people stuck in a hole. She quickly flies down and one by one takes them out and puts them on the sidewalk against the street.

"Anissa there are holes everywhere, I'm getting the pedestrians that fell in, be careful not to fall in", Jenn says.

"Ok, I'm gonna lift some of the trees out of the street so cars can leave the scene" Anissa says running towards the fallen trees.

She lifts the trees up long enough for some cars to past through then she moves on to the next tree.

Jeff flies over and looks for the cause of the damage and sees a black figure trying to lift the statue. He flies down and grabs the objects shoulder. The person grabs Jeff's hand and swings him to the ground. Jeff jumps back up and kicks the person in the stomach. The person swings at Jeff but he grabs their arm and swings them into the statue. They fall to the ground. Jeff stands over them and pulls off their mask.

"Grace", Jeff says startled.

Grace kicks him back off of her and morphs into a bird and flies away.

"Ok guys that's everybody let's head back to the sanctum", Anissa says.

"Dad you get the person?", Jenn asks.

"Not necessarily", Jeff says taking off into the sky.

When they arrive back at the sanctum, Gambi is there waiting.

"Ok so dad explain to me how you let them get away", Anissa says.

"I was so startled by the person who I unmasked they were able to morph and flee the scene", Jeff replies.

"So who was it?", Jenn asks.

"Grace", Anissa says.

Jeff and Anissa make eye contact.

"It was, wasn't it", Anissa states.

"Yeah!", Jeff replies.

"But why would she be in the park uprooting trees?", Jenn asks.

"I don't know but I don't think it's a coincidence that over half of our team has gone missing, so as of now we need to send a search party for our group members", Gambi replies.

Jeff, Anissa, & Jennifer all exchange looks.

"It's the three of us versus our old team", Anissa says.

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