He pulls back from our embrace, just to get a good look at my features. I realize he's quite a bit taller than I am – I'm around five foot six, but he's got at least another six inches on me. It's probably more like eight.

"How's life been treating you?" he smiles warmly.

And there I go, feeling things again.

I shrug off his question. "Life's been fine. You?"

"Fantastic. Even better, now that you're back. I just...wow. Hey, are you free this afternoon? We should totally catch up."

"Oh...catch up?" That would mean developing new relationships. I'm bad at that. I would rather Cole remember whatever good memories he has of me than replace those with new memories of today's me. The bad me.

"Yeah, we could talk over coffee or something. Or cake," he winks. "You know how obsessed I used to be with that."

I finger the blue streak in my silky hair. "I..." Do I really want to go home? I mean, I don't have to work tonight, and rather than go spend the evening locked in my trailer while my dad is who knows where...

"I would love to," I rush to assure him. Anything is better than going back there.

"Great! Let me just text my best friend and let him know what's up. Gosh, I'm a senior this year. How old does that make you?"

I cringe. The age difference between Cole and me always looks huge. "I'm a freshman. Um, but I'm sixteen. It's because my – "

"Your mom held you back a year," he finishes for me. "I remember. That's why we never really saw each other at school."

"Yeah. You...remembered." I feel a blush warm my cheeks.

Oh, no. I don't do feelings anymore, but I especially don't do romantic feelings. I'm not the little girl with a crush on the older boy anymore. Cole always saw me as a sister then, and that's how he'll have to see me now.

"Cole! Over here!" someone shouts.

I look over to see a girl with raven black hair waving her arms in the air frantically. Beside her is a curly haired boy who watches her like she's the best thing to happen to Ninjago City High.

And beside him is a scowling blonde teenager. He does not look happy at all.

Those must be Cole's real friends.

Cole sighs, bringing my attention back to him.

"I'm sorry, Sel," he shrugs. "It's probably important. Do you want me to introduce you to a few of my friends?"

"Oh, um, I'm good." I don't need any more connections in my life.

"Okay. Will you wait here, then? I need to go talk with them. Afterwards, I can come get you, and we can hang out."

"That's fine by me," I shrug.

"See you in a minute." He tosses his hand in a wave.

I feel my phone – a phone I worked for and paid for myself – buzz in my pocket. I pull it out, and it's a text from one of my two contacts.

It's the contact I hate to hear from.

Lousy father: where did u put the money this time

I bite my lip. I hate feeding my father's drug habit, but what else am I supposed to do? I'd much rather him have his head in the clouds than have him take out his anger on me.

Seliel: it's where I always put it – dishwasher

The inexperienced thieves who break into our trailer don't think to look for money in the dishwasher.

Lousy father: none left

Seliel: ...

Seliel: did u use it all?

I always keep a little cash stored back, just because I know my father's a heavy spender, but...it's the beginning of the month. He won't be getting a new drug allowance for another few weeks.

Lousy father: where's the rest

Lousy father: i know u keep some back

Seliel: ...

Seliel: I'll be there in 15

"Sorry, Cole," I hiss, "but I have to book it back home."

With one last glance in his direction, I inhale deeply and begin my trek back to the trailer park.

It's the last place I want to be.

***Anyone else more than a little excited? ;)***

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