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The remainder of the day (Y/n) had sat out on the bench as she watched her team play. She felt bad that she couldn't help out and even tried to convince her coach to let her play.

"Please Coach! Let me play I'm fine see?" She jumped up and tried to hide the obvious pain. "Sit down 'for I kick you off the team." Rina threatened as she sent a glare towards the teen.

Trying to not cause any more trouble the girl reluctantly sat down and crossed her arms letting out a sigh of irritation.

The Karasuno girls were currently losing with a 4 point gap. Saku's team took the winning point as she managed to out smart your blockers. She looked over to (Y/n), with a slight smirk. Saku stuck her tongue out at you prior to walking away with her team whilst yours ran the hill as a punishment.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

The practice matches came to a quick end as the girls started to head back to their respective dorms.

"See ya at diner (Y/n)!" A teammate yelled as she walked the opposite direction. You smiled at her and began to head to the showers.

Turing the corner you saw a figure standing against your room door.

"S-saku why are you here?" She looked over to you and smiled. "I guess your still not up for it huh?" You looked at her not knowing if you shoulda ever been offered or not.

"I mean after losing you should call yourself a captain." You scoffed and tried to push past her. "What gotten over you, are you still not over that stupid fight?"

Saku glared at you. "Ya know I thought I'd forget but seeing you prance back onto the court like you once did pisses me off."

"You can't keep acting like it my fault, yes we fought and we suffered the consequences but in the end you got everything back while I had to fight for it."

You voice began to raise as Saku stepped back in shock. "You don't know what I did for this position, your just sucking the pity out of everyone and expecting them to sympathize with you.

She walked past you making sure to intentionally brush your shoulders.

"Whatever just don't come crying to me when you can't handle things on your own."

"That's okay I have your lover boy to go to."

She gasped and turned back but Saku was gone before much could be said.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Dinner was being served as you made you way to the cafeteria. As you arrived the table with your team had been quickly filled leaving you sit alone. Rokuta tried to let you sit in her seat but you declined as she was sitting next to Asahi. 'She'd probably want to stay next to him' you thought as you made your way to the corner.

"Hey is this seat taken?" You looked up and saw the familiar face of the Nekoma captain. "No you can take it." You assumed he was going to take it to another table but instead he sat down. "Kuroo go away if your here to tease me leave" You blankly stated as you were about to get up and leave.

He smiled at you and shrugged. "Chibi-chan don't be like that I know ya miss me." He said as he ruffled you hair.

It was something he always did when you attended Nekoma, as first it was okay with you until he started calling you 'Chibi-chan' and teasing you everyday.

"Kuroo ya know your the reason I left?" You said as you tried to hide your smile. "Ah I'm hurt (n/n)-chan!" He cried out as he placed a hand on his heart. "Whatever, why are you here? Why don't you go to your team?." (N/n = nickname)

He pouted as he tried to reach forward and tuck your hair. Which you caught what he trying to do. "Stop we've already been through this please." You said as you swatted his hand away. "What's wrong with trying huh? Anyway my team already ate earlier." He said obviously upset.

Yep the Kuroo Tetsuro liked you, since you played at Nekoma he had alway been in your hair about dating him. You had almost given in until you had to quit volleyball and moved.

"S-sorry I just dont want to date." You half lied, standing up you could see his eyes sadden. "I'll see you later Kuroo, sleep well." You patted his back and walked to the trash.

As you were about to enter your room you could hear giggling coming from down the hall.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
POV change

My eyes widened as I saw Daichi and Saku walking together. They seemed to be having fun, I looked down and started to walk into my closet to my room door. ' they know eachother?'

"(Y/n)! Wait!" I looked up and saw Daichi walking closer to my door. "How are you feeling? He smiled at me seeing an evident scowl on Sakus face. "I'm fine thanks for asking." I said in a monotone voice, I walked into my room and closed the door before he could say anything else.

'I hate this feeling dammit.' I thought I took out my futon to go to bed.

My attempts at sleeping failed as I couldn't get the thought of Daichi and Saku together out of my head.

"Ugh this is so frustrating!" I yelled out. Suddenly the door opened letting the bright hallway lights fill the room.

"Ahh what the-, who the hell-"


R E N D E Z V O U S ~ 𝕊𝕒𝕨𝕒𝕞𝕦𝕣𝕒 𝔻𝕒𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕚Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant