Four days later Kun and XiaoJun returned to the WayV compound with what they hoped would be a viable solution.

"Y/N...." Kun murmured sitting down on the edge of your bed. He ran the back of his knuckles over your cheekbone to get your attention.

Your eyes shifted to him. Jaemin swallowed, You had long since stopped speaking any more than strictly necessary.

Having your attention Kun continued, "Y/N there is Yin power in your body from being with Exo. Whether it's from being in their presence too long or if one of their members did something to you we don't know and it's immaterial. But your mind and body have been fighting it's effects since you were released from them. It's something that we should have figured out long before now but the effects of Yin isn't documented to that degree. We apologize for that."

Kun paused once to gather his thoughts and spoke slowly, "XiaoJun and I may have come up with a viable solution."

He would have wanted to give some credit to NCT but he could not mention them now. He could not even mention the pain that Taeil was going through. Kun knew if it was his mate like this he might not be able to utilize the calm he had now. In the few days they spent at NCT compound researching day and night gave him a new level of respect for not just Taeil but all of NCT. They had really pulled together in trying their best to contribute to the solution.

Kun focused his red eyes on you, "But it requires your trust in us. It's not something that I can explain to you but something that you will have to fight through. Are you willing?"

You gave the barest of nods and Kun smiled, "Good. We will do this tomorrow at Noon when Yang energy is the strongest."

That night Kun called WayV including the younglings into a meeting

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

That night Kun called WayV including the younglings into a meeting. They met in the room next to yours in case you needed them. Once WayV settled around the room Kun looked hard and long at Renjun, Jaemin and Chenle. So much so they all began to squirm under Kun's hard gaze.

Finally the master vampire spoke, "I will have the three of you not be there tomorrow."

As expected all three began to talk all over each other. Kun held up his hand, "I don't know what will happen. I hope this works but this is a new concept."

"What exactly are you going to do?" Renjun dared to ask, keeping his voice light.

Jaemin stared Kun straight in the eye, "I don't necessarily care for how you will do it but I will not leave Noona's side. I will be there. I promised Jeno and Jisung that I would take care of her. If the only thing I can do is be there then I will."

Chenle nodded aggressively.

"Your Noona will have to fight through this. What that fight looks like, I am not certain though I'm sure the Yin energy will not release her so easily. We don't know the depths of Yin energy and I do not know what you will have to witness with your Noona in such a state."

"The rest of you will be there!" Jaemin cried looking around the room.

Ten explained, "We can control our emotions far better than you can right now."

"That's the basis of this argument?"Jaemin dared to explode, "I still don't care. I will control my emotions and be there for Noona. Just tell us what to do."

"Stay out of the way and don't interfere." Kun ordered, "If you do, you could harm your Noona or yourself or all of us."

"Fine! We will do that!"

"XiaoJun will be assisting me. Lucas and Ten will be monitoring the situation and act accordingly. I don't know what exactly will happen but as they are the best warriors of this tribe...."

Kun didn't miss the flinch that passed through the Dreamies. He left it hanging and continued, "The rest will be one standby but depending on what happens they may not have time to babysit you."

Renjun spoke before Jaemin could fire off again, "And we understand that but she is our Noona and part of our packtribe. She's our responsibility as well. We know we wouldn't have been able to figure out what to do and we are grateful for your and NCT's help but we still owe it to Noona to do something. Even if that's doing nothing. We understand very well, so please don't ask us to abandon her at this critical time."

Chenle spoke with a nod, "What Hyung said..."

Kun stared at the three young vampires before he suddenly gave a brilliant smile, "It seems our younglings are maturing very nicely. Don't you think?"

He looked at Ten who shrugged, "They are alright..."

"So?" Jaemin prompted his voice tinged with a hint of desperation.


WinWin spoke up for them, "Kun-ge, I think you should stop torturing them. It's so obvious you were going to let them, provided they understood the gravity of what is going on."

Lucas grinned and waved his hand once, "Yeah, come on man. I think they understand well enough. They aren't quite the younglings they once were. They technically have their own family. They get it."

Hendry nodded, "Yeah, it would be horrible to deny them this."

YangYang laughed, "Besides if you locked them up somewhere or tried to put them under until you're done they would fight you to the end. I know I would. Then you'd have more problems than the current on to deal with."

XiaoJun shook his head, "Oh my, I can't even think of dealing with such a thing. It's easier to let them do this."

"Guys...." Renjun muttered. Jaemin ducked his head while Chenle gave a wide eager smile.

"Well, since everyone has spoken for you, who am I to deny you?" Kun consented.

The three Dreamies broke into wide relieved smiles, exchanging looks between them. 

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