"Ugggh" was all you mumbled.

"Insomnia?" Kun whispered to himself walking over to lift your wrist to check your pulse. "A little fast...." he said.


"Are you hungry?"


Kun thought it prudent to just shut up at that moment. You were dimly aware of noise of feet that got louder and louder.

"Noona?" Renjun was the first voice to reach you.

You muttered some inintelligible answer as you picked up your head.

"You look terrible!" Ten remarked.

You think you managed to glare but you weren't sure. As such Lucas slapped him upside the head. You honestly didn't remember breakfast very much. Afterwards, Kun thought that maybe you should try to get a nap. You refused to walk back up the stairs so you fell onto a couch.

"Try to get some sleep, Noona", Jaemin coached sitting down on the floor next to your head.

"I can't." you murmured.

"Just close your eyes", said Kun.

You shut them but Jaemin could see your eyes moving back and forth. Finally they popped back open.

"I can't sleep!" you snapped, jerking upward to sitting position. However you had a lack of strength and had to grab the back of the couch to keep from falling backwards again.

"Don't you feel sleepy?" Lucas asked, "You keep saying you're sleepy."

You couldn't help but to snap, "I am but I can't sleep!"

"Alright, lay down", Kun ordered waving Jaemin out the way so he could kneel next to you, "Look at me."

You looked at him and his eyes began to glow red. "I need you to sleep. Just relax and trust me." Kun kept talking softly and slowly your eyes sunk downwards and eventually your breathing eased out.

Kun beckoned everyone out of the living room.

"If she can't get the sleep she needs, won't her body shut down eventually?" Xiaojun asked.

Renjun muttered, "You don't have to be so direct!"

Kun nodded, "That's what I'm afraid of. She is clearly exhausted but is unable to sleep."

"Why?" WinWin questioned.

Ten growled, "That Exo must have done something to her! First unable to stomach the mention of NCT and now this?"

It was NCT's problem to handle as it happened on their territory but still he wished he could have been able to swing his knives and sword at least one. He guessed he could be content that Yuta's katana helped carry about Ten's wishes. Still though....

"Yes but...."

Kun was interrupted by your scream tearing through the house making them all rush back into the living room. Jaemin would have reached for you but Lucas held him back, jerking his chin towards Kun. Kun covered the distance to you who somehow ended up on the floor breathing hard. He was cautious when he reached out to touch your arm. You were out of it and the touch startled you that you slapped it away falling backwards.

"Y/N, it's okay....it's just us. WayV...." muttered Kun.

You were breathing heavily and they could see your bloodshot eyes that were darting around, "They'll get me. They'll get me. I'm not safe here...."

You were babbling now as you shifted until you were on all fours. You tried to stand but were unable to. You slapped Kun's hands away, "They will come for me." You ran a hand through your hair shakily, "I gotta get away."

You slapped the hand away that tried to help you as you got up using the couch, "I gotta get away." You giggled, "They'll get me."

Jaemin hated that he couldn't remain strong and turned his face to bury it on Lucas's shoulder. Just for a minute before looking back at you. He owed it to you to keep looking. He owed it to Jeno and Jisung. To the Dreamies. Chenle already had a death grip on Lucas' other arm. Renjun's nails dug into his balled up fist, drawing blood. Tears gathered in his eyes.

Kun had stood at this point, "Do you know who I am?"

Your eyes were unfocused and you kept muttering to yourself. Something was holding you, ensnaring you so that you could not get away. Kun kept calm and thought. Would that work? He hated the idea of putting you through any more than you were dealing with but if it eased this ensnarement even a little...... Even him putting you under to sleep did not work. There must be a great enhancement to beat a vampires hypnosis.

Kun raised his head, " Y/N you once said you trusted me. I will hold you to that now."

You didn't respond. Kun didn't expect you to. He just simply sprung into action, moving quickly he pulled you to him. You cried out and went to thrash wildly. Ten and Lucas had to block the Dreamies.

"What is he doing?" Jaemin yelled.

"Trust him!" urged Ten who had no idea either.

"He wouldn't do this without a reason!" Hendry cried holding Jaemin back. Renjun's mouth was slack jawed and Chenle's eyes were wide open.

Kun wrapped an arm around you, turning so his back was to WayV. His fangs lengthened as he lifted one of your wrists and sunk into it. Your thrashing and pleas slowly started to die down and suddenly hit with a brief moment of clarity as if the fog had dispersed from your eyes.

Kun lifted his head and looked at you, his red eyes capturing yours.

"Kun-ge?" You murmured, "What are you doing?" You winced, "That hurts!"

Kun smiled before releasing you and maneuvering you to sit down on the couch. Then he turned his head and spat the blood out on the floor. As soon as it hit the floor black blood sizzled and disappeared as if it never was.

"Black blood?" Renjun questioned looking up at Kun.

Ten rushed over and grabbed Kun by the shoulder, "Are you okay?"

Alarmed everyone looked at Kun who nodded and gave a wan smile, "I'm fine. It's hot like lava, not at all taste like normal blood. It tasted...wrong."

"It looked wrong!" muttered Chenle.

YangYang tried for a joke, "Even WinWin's cooking wasn't that bad looking."

WinWin rolled his eyes. YangYang's joke did lighten the mood if only for a second.

"Was that inside me?" You asked, holding your wrist that was still bleeding. Only it was bleeding red as it should be. Jaemin rushed over and picked up your wrist. His tongue swiped over it and the cut healed instantly. You gave him a grateful smile.

"I'm certain now. Exo did something to your body and mind. Something we will have to undo." Kun spoke.

Jaemin felt a shiver run through your frame and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

"What now?" Ten asked.

Kun didn't answer for a few moments, "Ten, if she gets like this again, suck her blood and spit it out. It may stabilize her and bring her back to us."

WinWin looked concerned at you, "But we can't keep doing that, can we? If we keep doing that, it will be detrimental as well won't it?"

Kun looked at you and gave a nod, "It's only a temporary measure until we can find a permanent solution. I believe this black blood is also affecting Y/N ability to sleep."

You already had your head lying on Jaemin's shoulder although you couldn't sleep. You really wanted to sleep as you felt so very drained.

"Time is of the essence. XiaoJun is coming with me as we have some research to do. I will leave this in your hands."

Ten nodded, "Understood." 

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