Chapter 2 - The Abandoned Kingdom

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As they cross the ocean, they see one of the empty ports of Albea. They leave the ship and explore the kingdom. Elzabeth takes the charcoal from a brazier and stuffs it into a small clay pot. He takes alcohol and pours it in, along with gunpowder. He stuffs an old cloth into it, and seals the top with the pot lid. He pulls the cloth out a little and ties wire around the entire pot to secure it. A woman takes it from him once he finishes.

Erram : And what's this supposed to be, huh?

Elzabeth : A grenade. Improvised.

Erram : This thing won't work. I'll toss it for you.

Elzabeth : You'll burn down the building we're in if you do that.

Erram : Hmph. Better that than let you get any sort of glory.

Elzabeth : Do what you want. I can make another.

Erram : Little bitch...

Elzabeth walks away, and continues down the path. He checks each house he comes across and makes sure nothing is inside. After he is done with his route, he reports back.

Alhelm : We need to wait a bit longer. Erram and her group isn't finished yet.

They sit on the dock, and wait. Yet no one comes. It has been an entire hour, and everyone begins to worry. Elzabeth gets up, and brings only his great axe and sword.

Alhelm : Hey! Where are you going Elzabeth?

Elzabeth : They're clearly in danger. I'm going to go help them.

Alhelm : Sit down. A man like you is of no help to them.

Elzabeth : Then one of you go. Or are you not capable either?

Alhelm : Elzabeth you really know how to piss someone off, don't you?

Elzabeth : So your companions mean that little to you that you won't help any of them?

Alhelm : Sit down and shut up. I don't want to hear another word from you.

Elzabeth sits down, and they wait for another hour.

Telys : Don't you think they have been gone for too long now?

Alhelm : Shut it! They'll come eventually.

Elzabeth gets back up, and walks down the path that Erram took. He hears screaming, not only as he leaves the dock, but as he walks down the road. He starts to run, and the others follow. Upon reaching the midpoint, he sees what has held up Erram and her team. She was defending herself from goblins the entire time. Her other team members are either dead, or being molested by the other goblins. He draws his sword in his left hand and sprints towards Erram. He jumps and embeds his axe into the goblins head. He swings again, and crushes the other goblin next to Erram. The goblins that were raping the others get up.

Elzabeth : Go. Run back to the dock. I'll block off your escape.

Erram : Here. Take it back. Make them pay.

She hands him the grenade, and runs towards the others. They sit her down, and the goblins that chased her get impaled and decapitated. He swings the sword, and it glides through the stomach of one of the goblins. They run towards him, and he swings his axe with the butt end. It crushes their skulls, and as it hits the floor, it turns their heads into an unrecognizable mass of flesh and bone. He cleans off his weapons and tends to Erram's teammates.

Gillan : Please, kill me. I can't... feel my legs.

Elzabeth looks at her legs. They're littered with stab wounds, each only about an inch. A thick poison coats each stab wound. He lays her back on the ground, and Alhelm walks towards him. He cuts her head off before she can speak, and she knocks him to the ground.

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