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Meghan's POV

Today I decided to visit New York City.

I've been here a lot cuz my grandma and grandpa live here.

Grandma is Animal.

Grandpa is Earth.

They live in Brooklyn, but like to visit Manhattan as well.

I don't know what it is about Manhattan, but something draws me closer to it every time I go near it.

After I visited grandma and grandpa, I went back to Manhattan.

Right now, I'm just sitting on a rooftop at about 10:30 on a Thursday night.

I close my eyes and meditate.

I feel my body start to transform.

Molecule by molecule, I change.

I become mist.

I hear voices.

I open my eyes. (Yes I can still see in mist form.)

I don't see anything.

I thought it was nothing until I heard it again, but louder.

I followed the voices.

They were also on the rooftops.

I'm still a little bit out of view, but I can tell from here that there are 5 boys and one girl.

I get in closer.

4 of the 5 guys look... inhumanly shaped.

They're turtles.

I listen to their conversation.

The girl is talking.

"I still don't see why you guys- hold on. I think we're being watched." She says.

I see the turtles take out weapons.

I was gonna run, but I realize that I'm in my mist form.

They can't see me.

She starts walking towards me.

"Right...there!" She says and points to me.

"April, there's no one there." The one in a blue mask says.

"There is definitely someone or something there." The girl who I'm assuming is April says.

"Something?" The human boy asks.

The orange clad put his hand right where I am.

"It feels kinda...misty." He said.

"It's Manhattan at night. There's gonna be mist." The red clad says.

"I... I think that the mist is what I'm sensing." April says.

"Are you sure?" The purple clad asks.

"Absolutely." She said.

The turtles and the boy aim their weapons at me.

I got scared.

"No, wait! Don't hurt it!" April yells.

"Why not?" The red clad asks.

"It's scared." She says.

They let down their guard.

April came up to me.

"We won't hurt you. I promise." She says.

"Is it another mutant?" The red clad asks.

"I don't think so. Mutants have a special...signal, I guess, to them. This is one I've never sensed before," She said, "Can you show yourself?"

I close my eyes and made my body change back into my regular form.

"It's just a girl." The purple clad says in shock.

"My name's April, what's yours?" April asks.

"Meghan." I reply.

"How did you become mist? And why aren't you afraid of us?" The purple clad asks.

"I'm air. My grandma is Animal and my cousin is Kraang. I know all about the mutations. Grandma won't stop complaining about it." I say simply.

"Huh?" The red clad says.

"My element is air." I say.

"Still not following you." He says.

"I'm an Elemental." I say.

"What's an Elemental?" The orange clad asks.

I explain to them what an Elemental is.

"So what other powers do you have??"

The orange clad asks excitedly.

"Well, they're not powers, really, they're elements. But I have Love and energy." I say.

"Cool." He says in awe.

"So why are you in Manhattan?" The boy asks.

"My grandparents live in Brooklyn, so I'm visiting them. My grandma is Animal and my grandpa is Earth. I just like to hang in Manhattan sometimes. Something about it just...pulls me towards it. Like I'm supposed to be here." I say.

"Can we meet your grandparents, please??" The orange clad asks.

"Mikey, that's rude." The blue clad scolded.

"What?? I wanna meet the creator of Earth! And us! Grandma's like our grandma too since she crated animals!" The orange clad said.

"Well, they didn't create those things, our ancestors did. But sure," I say with a smile, "And what do you want me to call by when I introduce you?" I say.

"Mikey!" The orange clad says.

"Leo." The blue clad says.

"Donnie." The purple clad says.

"Raph." The red clad says.

"Casey Jones." The boy says.

"And you already know I'm April." April says.

I chuckle.

"Let's go!" I say.

And with that, they follow me to Brooklyn.


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