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Name: Meghan

Age: 15

Species: Human/Elemental

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blonde with little hints of Brown

Skin Tone: Caucasian

Parents: Ashley and Brendan

Element Born With: Air

Element's Powers: Manipulate Air, Teleport Using Wind Currents, Transform into a Cloud of Gas, Fog, or Mist, Suck Up Oxygen, Lung Adaptation (can breath in any atmosphere), Create Blasts of Wind, and Control Winds

Elements gained from Parents: Love and Energy

Love's Powers: Empathy, cannot be intentionally disrespectful to people, and can control who people fall in love with (cannot use for own personal gain, love usually picks people to fall in love when they are first born)

Energy's Powers: Can Control Energy and Creates Blasts of Energy

Side: Good

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