Pt. 20 (ENDING)

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"I can wait for you if you want, but you don't need to go change your clothes for me. You know I found you beautiful anyway" he says softly and I can't help but blush a little at his words. Really Y/n? Is it THAT easy for you? A few words and you're already falling back into it?

"Oh I-I wasn't going to change my clothes I...I had something to do in my... Umm well, nevermind, I guess I can do it later" I manage to say quickly and I laugh nervously when I hear him chuckle before I go sit down on the couch beside him, to his right.

"So, umm..." I say, not really knowing how I should start this conversation. It's weird how a person I was the most comfortable with a week ago is now sitting in my house and I can't even start a normal conversation with him without it being awkward.

The fact that I can't even look at him in the eyes without feeling like it's wrong makes me sad all of a sudden. What happened to us? It's Jimin in front of me and I'm acting as if it was a stranger. I can't even hold eye contact with him for more than a second.

I guess he can also feel the weird, awkward atmosphere in the room because when he starts to speak, this is the first thing he says, "Y/n, look at me". But I don't move. Instead, all I do is letting out a sigh and try to remove the tears that are starting to form in my eyes so I won't look as pathetic as I feel.

"Y/n, please" he almost begs in his soft voice as he lifts his left hand to my right cheek. Feeling his warmth again gave me chills. He was turning my head to his side so I could see him. Not with my eyes, but to REALLY see him, and his heart.

He looks hurt, regret is written all over his face and his eyes are trying desperately to find some answers in mine. Something that will tell him that I can forgive him, that I still love him. And it hurts. So. Fucking. Bad. Where's my Chim? Why are we like this?

I try to form a good sentence in my mind so that I could finally say something, but he's quicker than me.

"I messed up real bad, huh? You're crying again because of me" he says as he softly swipes away my own tear with his thumb. At this point I couldn't care less about my tears, or how I look in front of him. I just wanna let everything out, all the hard time I've been through during the last week.

When I finally start crying, he raises his other hand and holds my face tightly in both hands, leaning his forehead on mine.

"I'm so sorry. The fact that you've probably had an even harder week than mine and it's because of me breaks my heart. Seeing you like this right now breaks my heart. I'm sorry Y/n" He whispers as he's also getting teary eyed.

"Instead of keeping the one thing that I love the most in this world and that I would fight for anytime, next to me, I've pushed you away and it was the worst decision ever. I've missed you so bad. When I was alone, crying in my house, I thought to myself: It's her you're fighting for. She is the reason you wanna go against everyone and everything so where is she?! Why are you pushing her away when you need her?! But I was just so confused and hurt from Suga that it made me Blind. I need you Y/n, I didn't wait for 5 years and went through all of that for nothing. I need you with me. Please"

Great, now we're both crying.

After a few moments of silence and sniffing sounds, I open my eyes as his forehead still leans against mine, my gaze meets his brown orbs eyes and it was at that moment I've realized how lucky I am to have Jimin in my life.

The look on his face and especially what is seen from his eyes says it all. The amount of admiration, concern, care and love that I saw in this one quick glance at his face made me feel butterflies in my stomach. He's the only one to ever look at me like that and the only one I ever wanted him to look at me like that.

MY "BBF" (Brother's Best Friend) || P.JM FFKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat