My World

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I stared at my plate, shoving my food around slightly while Jamie and his family discussed some big story that was all over the news. Part of the reason I hadn't said anything since we started eating was because I had no idea what they were talking about but the other reason was I just didn't feel like talking to anyone.

It had just been such a crap day and I was really feeling low. I had gotten on the wrong bus this morning to start off with, which meant I was late which meant I got told off which put me in a sour mood for the rest of the day which resulted in everything I did being very half-assed...

After another few minutes of sitting at the dinner table and doing nothing, I excused myself and went up to mine and Jamie's room. I went onto Twitter for a few minutes but not even twitter could make me smile today so I threw my phone onto the floor and got into my bed. I shut my eyes and began to drift off to sleep.

About twenty minutes later I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist.

"Hey babe," Jamie whispered in my ear.

"Hi" I replied.

Then Jamie pulled me over so I was facing him and he placed a light kiss on my cheek. I cuddled into his chest and began to relax once again. After a few minutes of resting blissfully Jamie spoke again.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong Mikey?" he asked softly.

I looked into his green eyes and the I saw in them only content and love.

" I don't really know Jamie. I'm just getting all stressed about college again and every where I look these days there's something negative and its really getting to me, you know? And of course there was the whole deal with the bus being late as well this morning and I just can't okay?"

"Shush shush, it's okay baby I understand. I'll go make us some tea and then we can just try to un stress yeah?" Jamie said before getting up out of the bed. Then he leaned back down and kissed the top of my head.

"I love you," he whispered into my newly dyed blonde hair. And for the first time all day I smiled.

I know I got extremely lucky with him and I've always been thankful for Jamie, (he changed my life completely! Heck, I even live in his house!) but it days like today that make me realise how much I need him!

And even though some times I come across as cold and unkind but I really do love Jamie. He is my world :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2015 ⏰

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