Chapter 3

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(Monday Night Raw)

Today was finally my night to debut. I was so excited. I wonder what my match was gonna be.

Cody,Mike,and I had just walked in the arena.

"So go get ready for match it's the main event"Cody said.

"Hey that's all the way like at 9,so I'll wait"I said.

"Ok you wanna go to catering"said Mike.

"Sure"I said.

So Mike and I made our way to catering and I saw Mr. Show off. He then walked up to us. Yippe(Note the sarcasm).

"So Mizanin who's this"he said.

"None you business Nemeth"said Mike.

"Yes it is I heard she's the ex girlfriend of my best friend"said Dolph.

Speaking of the douche Mr. Phillip Brooks.

"AJ let me explain"he said.

"For what"I said coldly.

"AJ please"he said.

"Why so you can screw the bitch Eve"I said angrily. I stormed off.

"AJ comeback"he screamed.

I ran all the way out of catering. I started to walk until I heard footsteps and was grateful it was Mike.

"Hey Mike"I said.

"Hey you ok"he said.

"No I need a piggy back ride"I said.

He bent down and let me get on his back.

"So anything else"he asked.

"No"I replied.

"So AJ you know Raw's about to start wanna watch with me"he said.

"Sure"I replied.

We walked all the way to this room that looked like a tv room an sat down in two seats.

The first match was Cobro vs 3mb. I wasn't really paying attention all I knew is that Cobro were gonna win.

Sadly the douches won.

The second match was Rey mysterio vs Alberto del rio. Alberto won by DQ.

The third match was Kane vs David Otunga. Kane won.

The fourth match was Darren Young vs. Primo. Primo won.

Between the fifth match I went to change in my attire which was plaid red with a friendly skull. After I finished I walked out and saw Mike. I was kind of surprised though because I thought he didn't have a match tonight.

So I waited by the gorilla position. I saw Eve go out I tried my best not to attack her. Then I saw Phil and I wanted to rip his head off until Mike grabbed me and held me back.

"Thanks for helping not rip off his face"I said.

"Your welcome me lady"said Mike.

"We'll I better go"he said as his music came on. I was really confused but I watched the show.

"So you guys are wondering who my mystery diva is its really,really obvious. Basically she has the spunk of Mickie James, the athletics of Trish Stratus and Lita put together,the heart of all the divas put together,and the sass of Rosa Mendes introducing....." he said. I was wondering who this diva was she sounded really good.

"AJ Rhodes"said Mike. I was shock and my music Light it Up came on and I got confident and went out there. The fans had mixed reactions since I knew the Miz and Cody was my brother.

I jumped in the ring and did a little pose and Mike went first.

(Skip the match)

"And the winners and the new mixed tag team champs are AJ Rhodes and The Miz"said the announcer.


Sorry if its bad I didn't have any ideas for this story


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