Chapter 6

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A couple of weeks passed by and it was suddenly already wrestle mania. Their was this new group called the shield who everyone seemed to be scared but now Mike, Cody, and some random superstar of our choosing yea Cody turned after starting a storyline with Kaitlyn. So it was a 4 person mixed tag match and no DQ for the girls meaning they could hit each other with a chair and the guys could hit each other too but not the mixed gender.

Well right now Kaitlyn,layla,and I are in my room board as ever playing Go Fish.

"Wow you gorls must be board"said A voice who was Mike.

"Yea got any 2's"asked Kaitlyn.

"Go fish"said Layla.

I gave her a 2.

"Got any 5's"I asked.

"Go fish"they said in unison


I know it's horrible I needed to update for you guys.


AJ Runnelsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें