It's the day! (An actual update)

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Just a little note. This takes place a few weeks after the events of the last chapter. She's in denial about her grief so this chapter will deal with some of that. It also has mentions of death and self-destruction. It had mature language and problems related to females.

Today's the day! Now, normally I don't get this excited for days but. It's October 5th, I love the 5th. It's the first day my parents let me decorate for Halloween! But they aren't here this year, I may have cried this morning about that but it's all good. I showered and got dressed (outfit up top).

"Gooooooood Morning, my lovely mates!" I was loud and cheery right now. I was walking right through the kitchen to the elevator.

"Woah, hold up. Where are you going?" Sam asked, I was hoping to get out without questions but ok then.

"Well, I am headed to the store. Maybe get some coffee if I want. Just a relaxing day out and about. Ya know, I need some relaxing time considering what happened." I laughed a little, it was more nervous instead of humorous.

"Yeah, ok. Let's say we buy that, what do you need from the store?" Sam was still questioning me. I looked him straight in the eye and said.

"Pads, tampons, chocolate, a new heating pad. My broke and I'm almost out of the other stuff." It wasn't a lie, I was almost out and my heating pad did brake but that isn't what I need.

"Ok, let's say that's actually what your purpose for leaving. Why not just tell us instead of lying at first?" That was Nat. Why am I not surprised?

"Ok, fine. I lied, but I do need those things. I'll add that to my list actually. I'm going to get some decorations for my room. It's too bare for my taste." I informed them all.

"We can go with you," Wanda said, but not making a move to get up. She doesn't wanna pressure me into thinking that they need to go.

"That's ok! I'll be completely fine, and if it makes you feel better I can take a female with me." I said I have nothing against my male companions but this isn't something I need a male going with me for.

"Why female?" Pietro sounded sad.

"I don't think you any to be dragged around with me. I'm a little picky and bossy when shopping." I didn't want to lie so I didn't.

"But why a female? We can handle a little bossy ness." That was Sam trying to weasel his way into my business.

"My lovely female mates will understand why I'm so picky about what the pads feel like if they have a smell or not, and why size they need to be. They also aren't afraid to call me out when I'm being a plain out bitch instead of just bossy. They also know the pain of trying to find clothes that fit and you like and know what not to get so you do look like you are 'asking' to be sexually assaulted. Also, they are just more enjoyable to shop with." I said, kinda in one breath. I need to stop talking all in one breath.

"Ok, first off. Wow, I've never put that much thought into my clothes. Secondly, why is the size and smell of pads important? And lastly, do you really need to think about what won't look like you are 'asking' to be harassed?" Steve asked.

"Yes. The size so it can fit comfortably and the smell because if it has a sent it can be bad for you. Can make you get an infection and it just isn't good for you. Yes, for example, the outfit I'm wearing if I were to get assaulted the one who did assault me could claim that I 'wanted' it because I am wearing a skirt. They could also say since I'm wearing a baggy top that I wanted to play 'hard to get'. Overall it's just plain stupid." When I finished explaining everyone, that wasn't a female, looked sad or mad. Peter got up and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry you have to go through that. I promise to start looking out more for that while being Spider-Man." Peter sounded like he was crying.

"You don't need to feel bad. I've personally been lucky and never had it happen to me." I said, pulling out of the hug. I looked around and they all had a look that they wanted to protect me. I'm screwed, shit.

"I'm going to take a female with me. So, Nat, Wanda, or Shuri. Wanna go?" I asked quickly, trying not to get a male to go with me. Out of all of them, the females are less likely to be noticed.

"I will." The three of them said at the same time. I laughed that was perfect timing on their part.

"You all can go with me," I wanted to go alone about now that they know the dangers they aren't letting me leave alone. The three nodded and got up. We left and headed to the store. We got there and I made a beeline to the Halloween decorations. I just started to fill the cart full of decorations and a few costumes I wanted.

"What's with everything?" Nat asked me.

"I have 6 Halloween parties to attend, not including if y'all throw one. I also was going to decorate my room and maybe the tower. My mom and I always attend Halloween parties, she already said we would go and one of them is the one my grandmother is throwing so I have to go to that one. Another one is one by my mom's friends who I haven't seen since she died. And the rest are family friends I've known since I was little. I need different costumes for each since they will all talk about costumes at the end. Causing them confused about which I wore is funny. Plus they all have costumes contests so I need one for each contest. Any other questions? I am happy to answer any of them." I told them, I did want more questions though. It's nice to talk to people.

"Yeah. Um, you said family friends but didn't you just move here?" Wanda asked.

"Ok I'm going with you know I have been here for a while and we always came up here for the parties. I took 2 weeks off school for them, also none of them are actually on Halloween. They are from exactly one week before up to the day before. It's fun, some are on the same night but overall, it's a nice time." I explained, I was looking over what I grabbed. I put some of the costumes back not liking them as much as I thought I would.

"You said they are never on Halloween. Why is that?" Nat asked me, that was a good question that I knew the answer to.

"Most of the adults have children that want to go trick or treating so they never have the parties on Halloween themselves," I explained the best I can. It's is because they have children and no one goes if it is on Halloween but I really don't know why.

"That makes sense. So, why did you put al the costumes back?" Shuri asked me.

"Didn't like them anymore. I think I need to go to Spirit Halloween for them." I said looking around the decorations some more. I finished grabbing everything and headed to the feminine products. I grabbed my favorite pads and tampons. I also headed to the candy to stockpile on chocolate. Mostly Halloween bags so I could pass it as just buying candy for trick or treaters.

"We going to Spirit Halloween?" Wanda asked, she was tasked with telling the males where we went. I nodded and got into the car, Nat was driving. I was in the passenger seat, Wanda was behind Nat and Shuri was behind me.

"How many costumes do you need?" Nat asked me, I thought about it.

"6 at least. I don't know if y'all are having a party." I told her looking through my list of what I need.

"Knowing Tony he's going to throw a party. You will need one for that one too. So make that 7 if you want a different one for that." Nat said, pulling into the car park. I nodded knowing she's right, I'm not going to get a different one for trick or treating. I don't care how old I am, the cute old ladies from that one neighbor will give me candy. Plus they are all king-size candy bars. Now just to pick the right ones. That should be easy right?

Who am I? I updated? What's that? Sorry, it took so long. I have been swamped with school and I have more tests tomorrow. I am procrastinating on doing himself by writing. I know I shouldn't but you need to have an update, right?

~With love Mack❤️

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