"What the hell, Sav?" Gabby exclaimed. "Who is that girl? You handled that better than I would have."

I scoffed. "This is what I was trying to explain before I was so rudely interrupted." I watched as Tyler's Range Rover backed out of our parking lot, and drove into the Dallas heat. "Ty's got a girlfriend now, and she hates my guts."

"I can see that, but why?" Gabby asked.

"Well, from what Tyler told me last night at the party, it's because I gave him trust issues that are messing up his current relationship. I didn't know how true that was until a couple of minutes ago, that's for sure. Ali was his date for the wedding, you know. And me and Tyler weren't the closest of friends at the time, so I guess he confided in her and they started having feelings for each other. He told me they started dating a couple of months after that. What happened during those couple of months, I don't know. But clearly they're having issues, and I do not need to be dragged into it. Me and him are done. So I don't understand why I'm being threatened at my job." 

Gabby sighed. "Maybe he's saying different? I dunno, maybe Ali doesn't trust him."

"Then they shouldn't be dating." I retorted. "It's really simple. Of course, out of all the days the circus decides to come, it's on my last day of work."

Gabby laughed before taking a sip of her drink. "Very true."


After our shift, Gabby and I went to a bar in the heart of Dallas to celebrate my last shift at the Rally House. Next week initiated the start of my modeling career fulltime. Before I knew it, Gabby ordered me 5 shots and two Long Island iced teas. The room was spinning, but the atmosphere was too lively for me to worry.

"Sav, I'm sorry, but I still cannot believe that girl flipped out on you like that. The old you would've beat her to a pulp." Gabby laughed. Her face was red with alcohol.

"Honestly, I can't believe it either. Maybe I have this magic spell over Tyler. Any girl he talks to after me will never compare." I gave my blonde hair a flip, showing it's beauty after experiencing Ali's hatred to it. "Blondes do it better, right?"

Gabby and I laughed drunkenly together. It felt good. I felt at peace. To joke about a situation that held me hostage for so long. The situation that left me broken down, has now given me a reason to rise and grow. 

"I'm so proud of you Sav." Gabby placed her hand on top of mine. "Really, I'm happy for you. That was a hard time."

I nodded in agreeance, unable to verbally agree. The liquor was causing me to burn inside with excitement. "I appreciate you Gab. I'm gonna miss our opening shifts together, ugh. This is crazyyyy," I slurred. 

"Oh please, go get that money by selling your face. I'll be fine, you know I'll be rocking that register, of course." We shared a drunken laugh once more.

My phone suddenly buzzed. It was from an unsaved number, but the area code told me it was still a Dallas number. "Who the hell is this," I mumbled. Gabby peeked over my shoulder. 

As I unlocked my phone to check the message, the first thing that greeted me was a pregnancy test. I enlarged it immediately, seeing the Clearblue pregnancy test state in bold, pixel letters: 


I came out of the image and read the text sent with it:

No more playing homewrecker now. There's a child involved. Be smart. 😘

"Oh my God !" Gabby gasped loudly enough for a couple of faces around the bar to look at us. Her eyes gave me their familiar wide look- but this time, they almost swallowed me.

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