catherine's bliss

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Cedric awkwardly took the microphone from one of the Weird Sisters with a gracious look. He had pleaded his case to them about what he was about to do during their short break. The Weird Sisters, surprisingly enough, were thrilled to help.

Catherine glanced up at the sudden silence along with the other upperclassmen of Hogwarts. Cedric shifted from foot to foot before bringing the microphone to his lips.

"Erm, hello, I'm Cedric Diggory."

"Diggory, Diggory, Diggory!"

He laughed, "Thank you, thank you. Anyway, erm, I'm up here today with the permission of my date, to talk about something personal. Well, it's not too personal because most of you know about this, erm, thing."

Pansy and Fleur grasped Catherine's arms with teasing smiles playing on their lips.

"So, Catherine, I have a few things to say. Firstly, I was wrong. I'm sorry for trying to change you; you're perfect the way you are. Secondly, I have been an idiot, a prat to be exact, I didn't see that the side you show me was reserved only for me. I didn't appreciate how much you've shared with me."

The crowd awed as Catherine half-smiled from her position. Harry laughed along at Catherine's blushing face before making eye contact with Cho, who shot him a large smile.

"Thirdly, now if you haven't listened to anything I've said so far, please listen to this."

The room was now dead silent. Professor Dumbledore was enjoying this immensely, and the staff saw it as harmless teenage romance. Therefore, everyone was on the edge of their seats at this last sentence; even though Albus Dumbledore could predict what was to be said next.

"Catherine, I cannot spend a single second away from you. I cannot spend another day without you by my side; I've been a disaster without you. I am a fool. I am a fool because, Catherine, I am completely, unconditionally in love with you. So, please, end my agony."

Catherine's eyes softened completely. She broke the clasp that her friends had on her arms, and before she knew it, she was picking up the bottom of her dress and sprinting.

Cedric hopped off the stage and met her halfway.

"Oh, Cedric."

Catherine embraced him in a large hug.

"I don't want to spend a minute without you either."

He grinned, "Good, I don't intend to ever leave your side again, until you force me to by killing me."

Cedric then did as Cedric Diggory does, and he dipped Catherine. Her eyes shut as she felt his lips descend upon hers in an earth-shattering, mind blowing kiss.

The room erupted into cheers. At that moment, everyone acknowledged that they looked like a bride and groom with her white dress and his black dress robes. Everyone excitedly thought briefly about how beautiful their actual wedding would be together. Only the minds of fanciful teenagers could see that far into the future.

"Oh, young love so oblivious and safe of the world's true nature," Dumbledore sighed in content.

The two pulled away with large smiles as Cedric brought Catherine up and placed his forehead against hers.

"I love you," he murmured.

She cracked a smile.

"I love you too, you fool."

"At least, I'm your fool."

"The cheesiest one that I know."

The music started back up again with a soft ballad. Cedric pulled Catherine close, clasping her hand against his heart. The school almost made them their own dance floor as they glided on the floor that was charmed to look like ice. Dumbledore even made it snow on the two of them.

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