the slytherin princess

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Adelaide Collins had raised her daughter to be a kind girl with a big heart. However, Catherine Collins had not grown up to be that. Most traditional pureblood families would ask for a daughter like Catherine. With her beautiful looks and manipulative, cunning personality, she would make the perfect Slytherin. However, her mother had hoped and prayed that she would be nothing like herself or Daniel, her father. Yet, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

"Catherine, darling, come downstairs," Adelaide called towards the spiraling staircase of the manor.

Catherine appeared at the top of the stairs in a pretty green dress and Mary Jane shoes with a white cardigan. Her soft, golden blonde hair fell down her back with a golden headband that resembled a vine. Her green eyes popped with her gorgeous summer tan.

"Yes, mother," she smiled. Her smile appeared sweet and complimented her childish features. Unfortunately, her mother read straight through her smile.

"Well, I just thought you would want this."

Adelaide held out Catherine's Hogwarts letter with a large, warm grin. Her daughter's face lit up in delight.

"Oh, Mum, it's finally here! Let me see the book list and everything! I can't wait, I can't wait," she giggled and twirled around.

Her mother laughed at the display. The two sat down and went through supplies and books; they planned a trip to Diagon Alley the following morning. Daniel Collins said he would even come home to be there for it, which made it all the more exciting.

The next morning, Catherine woke up exceptionally early. She had picked out her favorite blue dress that everyone complimented her on and her white Mary Jane shoes. Catherine had the house elves search the house for her pearl headband, which they found shortly after her tantrum.

"Dad," Catherine squealed in excitement. She shoved one of the house elves clear out of her way, almost into a dresser, and ran to her father.

"My Catherine!"

Daniel and his daughter had always been exceptionally close all through her adolescence. She idolized her father, unlike her mother who she considered weak. Her mother would always hide her true nature and shied away from her pureblood status. Adelaide would even apologize for her higher rank in society and excess wealth, much to Catherine and Daniel's disdain. All of which Catherine found repulsive. Her father, however, showed her how to fully embrace her status; thus, they formed a close bond.

As the family apparated to Diagon Alley, Catherine was practically buzzing with excitement. The minute they hit the hot pavement, Catherine began to jump with joy. She had been here a million times with her mother and father, hence her ability to side apparate with ease, but it was different this year. She was finally old enough to appreciate all of it.

As they made their way through the streets, Catherine spotted some families that she knew and a couple that she didn't. Her father left to greet a couple of his colleagues. He encouraged Catherine to collect her books and try to meet some of her classmates. However, Catherine wanted a wand. So, she left her mother in the bookstore and dashed to Ollivander's.

"Hello, young lady, I'll be with you momentarily," Mr. Ollivander greeted. He was currently boxing up the other boy in the store's wand. He was about the same height as her with black hair that was extremely messy and round glasses.

"Hello," she greeted him. "I'm Catherine Collins, first year at Hogwarts."

"Harry Potter, and I'm going to be first year too," Harry shyly grinned.

Catherine giggled, "Do you want to wait for me? We can go get robes together if you like? I would rather go with a friend than my Mum!"

Harry's eyes slightly faltered in his smile. He envied that Catherine even had that choice, but she was offering to be his first friend.

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