Ch 22: Where is he?!

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Papyrus's POV:

For days I've been serching through the Underground trying to find my brother. The others were helping me too but none of us could find him!  

Hes dead!

He's lost!

He's hurt!

He's been taken!

Everyday these thoughts have found their way back into my head like snake's I just wanted my brother home! I cry everynignt thinking about him and wonder where he is. I've checked his favorite spots to go including Grillby's! But..............he wasn't there..............I've asked so many people so many times if they had seen my brother but the answer always was no. 

Soon I gave up on trying to find him well that was until Undyne arrived at my door. 

"Heya punk!" Undyne said.

"Hi Undyne........." I replied.

"I have something to tell you!""


"I might know what happened to your brother!"


"Yeah remember those skeletons that came over that one day?"


"Maybe one of them took him."


"Just think about it, that one purple skeleton 'Nootmare' I think his name was..........maybe he took Sans."

"Undyne your a genius!" 

"I am?"

"Yes we need to go find them!"

"I'll get the others maybe then we can go look for them!"


~2 hours later~

Everyone arrived at my house and we set off for our adventure. We walked all through the Underground even places no one liked to go. I kept thinking about how those skeletons looked exactly like Sans................I asked Alphys about her hypothesis about 'aus'? and she said that its only a theory.

A game theory! Ok sorry back to the story!

I told her that the skeletons looked exactly like Sans and everyone got really curious. Alphys took out her phone and began to do something. After a little bit she gasped.

"T-There are aus!" Alphys said.

"So what does that mean?" Frisk asked.

"That means that there are different universes that are exactly like this one but has some extra features so if those skeletons looked exactly like Sans that means they are from different universes." 

"But how do we get to those universes?" Undyne asked.

"I have to build a portal somehow.........."  

"Oh! Sans has a secret lab right by yours Alphys I dont think that he knows I saw it." I said. 

"Really?!" Everyone asked except Asgore.

"I know about it too......." Asgore said.

"You do?" I asked.

"Before Dr. Alphys, Sans was my royal scientist along with your father Papyrus, but now Sans is my royal judge. I dont know what happened to his father but Sans does." 


"Your t-t-telling me Sans w-was a scientist!?" Alphys asked.

"And now hes the royal judge?!" Undyne asked.

"I have a dad?!" I asked.

Asgore nodded at all three questions. 

We decided to go to Alphys lab and go looking for my brothers. I led them to a secret door and down some stairs. We entered Sans's lab and everyone (except Asgore) gasped in amusement. There was a big machine that looked like a gaster blaster and another one that looked like a huge portal. All of the machines were broken though but Alphys said she could fix them.

~2 hours later~

"F-Finished!" Alphys said.

"Cool now how does it work?" Toriel asked.

Alphys flipped a switch and lights started to flicker all through the room. The portal made a buzzing sound before flashing a bright blue light then a bright blue portal appeared in the middle of it.

"So whos going first?" Mettaton asked.

Chara picked up a pencil and threw it in. The pencil went inside and we all gasped. I volunteered to go through the portal first. I walked in and entered a black room. I couldn't see anything but I did here some noises.........

Soon everyone was with me and we walked around. I heard those strange noises again and something white. I ran up to it and the white thing showed a skeletal face with scars on his face. 

The person gasped and started making those weird noises I guess he was trying to talk.  

Too lazy for the emojis soooooo ye

"I am Dr. W.D Gaster." The stranger said.

"What did he say?" Undyne asked

"He said that his name is Dr. W.D Gaster." I said

I heard a gasp and Asgore pushed past everyone. He starred at the stranger and smiled warmly. The stranger smiled back and they hugged.

Also Gaster isn't a pile of black goop hes his normal self 

"Long time no see old friend." Asgore said.

"Greeting Asgore." Gaster said.

"Papyrus can you translate that please? I think he lost his ability to speak again." 

"Uh sure he said that's its nice to see you too!"

"Now how did you end up here? And where is here?"

"I dont want to talk about it.........but this is the void."

"He says that he doesn't want to say and that we are in the void."

"Hmmmm..........Anyways, Sans has been taken by some skeletons who look like him Alphys said that they are different versions of him." 


Pffttt ok I'll just make him speak English cuz this is taking too long

"Is there anyway you can help us?" I asked.

"I might be able too but I need to get out of here to do so." Gaster answered.

"Alright lets get going then." Asgore said.

We walked back through the portal and back into the lab. Gaster said that it will only take him a few minutes to fix the portal so we can travel to the universe my brother is in.

~Like literally 20 minutes later~

"Done." Gaster said.

"W-Woah that was f-f-fast!" Alphys commented.

"Of course it was he was my other royal scientist as well." Asgore smiled.



"And you and your brother's father as well." Gaster said walking over to me.

"Y-Your my dad..........?" I asked.

"Yep I've been trapped in the void for so long that you dont remember me.............."

"Your my dad.........."



I gave my dad a big hug and he laughed while hugging me back. We let go and smiled at each other.

"Now lets go get your brother." 


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