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My eyes slowly fluttered open, causing a groan to escape from my lips. And as my eyes were adjusting to the bright light that was hovering over me, and as I looked around the room I realized that I had been strapped onto a medical table, and so like many times before, I started to panic internally, causing me to take notice that I was in different clothing.

I looked down and realized I had been put into a pale white long sleeve that usually I've only worn for experimental tests, and as I continued to examine my clothing I saw that I had on a matching pair of long white pants on.

As I tried to move around I began to realize very quickly that I was covered in restraints and that these weren't regular ones that I could just break out of normally. When trying to break free I heard a noise in what I quickly assumed to be a different room. Cautiously I quickly tried to free myself from the restraints by biting my tongue really hard, and shutting my eyes and focusing on trying to free myself which I could feel myself changing as my hands started to misshape as claws appeared, and almost immediately I started to feel my eyes change along with my face.

As my body was shifting and changing I could feel the restraints bust off one by one as I focused on shifting my body only enough to get me free.

As I bust through the restraints I took a minute to look around the room, suddenly taking notice as I spotted a small camera, as i sprint over to it and rip it off the wall.

" Now for a way out of this horrid room". I say to myself. When I notice a breeze come out of the wall. Shocked, I go to examine the wall and notice that it's a camouflaged door which was literally blended in with the wall so well that if i hadn't felt the breeze of cold air on my skin i wouldn't have noticed it. I started punching the door over and over leaving huge dents in it making me hit it even harder until my final punch sent the door flying.

As I run into what I thought was freedom, starting to feel somewhat relieved, when suddenly I look around only to find that I was yet again in another room. But somehow it was way bigger. As I look around and see many other doors that are just like mine. I think to myself "What the heck is going on?

As I'm trying to find a reasonable explanation for this whole thing, I spot movement near one of the other doors with the corner of my eye. I back up as I see blood pooling from underneath one of the doors. While I was being cautious I somehow realize that it was no normal blood puddle. As it starts to collect together and move as one. I start to growl while staring at the strange pool of blood. I start to back away even further as it starts to bubble up and slowly create a form. Once a good distance away from the door, it began to take a human shape forcing me to lower myself and growl. I was about to lunge, however in the blink of an eye ,the blood formed into a solid human girl. She looked around suspiciously and turned to me making me growl even louder.

I stop growling to warn her "I don't know who you are, but if you come any closer I will not hesitate to kill you!" I yelled in a deep aggressive voice, as she bared her sharp inhuman fangs at me.

So this was another experiment?

I think to myself, causing my thoughts to wonder even more.

Were they expecting us to fight each other?

I am abruptly forced back into reality as I hear a loud banging sound from behind me. I look over and see the other doors around me are beginning to open. Actually they begin to more like bust open and tear down. Soon I leap back as I see vines come out from under and above one of the door's small openings, as I watch this I study how the vines move quickly up and around the door, causing the door to weaken and start crumbling inwards until it gives up.

I watched as a girl steps out of the room avoiding the crumbled door as her veins retreated back into her hands as she exits the room. And one by one people begin to exit their rooms also wearing the exact same outfits as me. We all just look around the room and inspect one another

When suddenly a voice filled the room causing everyone to look up at the huge speaker in the ceiling. The voice was loud,deep and sharp as he talked through the speaker "Welcome everyone to the final test, where you all will face the hardest challenge you've ever had to encounter. However, while you made it here individually that will end here. If you are going to survive you will have to work together as a team to defeat all of our failed experiments. You are only able to depend on each other and help each other if you want to succeed. However ,If you fail to work with all of the others each doing a part as a team should or if you decide that you can do this alone "YOU WILL DIE". Best of luck - you're going to need it".

And with that the voice becomes silent.

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