Project Predator

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 I was running on the treadmill with various wires hooked up to me so they could see my heart rate and how long I've been running. I began to slow down just a little when a shock went through my entire body, causing me to go even faster. I was beginning to feel my eyes change their color. I was getting angry, this had been going on for three hours. I was slowly becoming weaker.

I felt another shock - except this one was more painful. A growl came from my throat as my claws came out and slashed the treadmill. I jumped off of it as my mouth slowly filled with blood as my canines began emerging.

I tore all of the wires off me. Guards rushed into the room with tasers and rifles. A growl escaped the back of my throat as I jumped onto a nearby guard and bit into him.

"Get away from me!" I roared as blood dripped down from my mouth. I felt a slight sting on my side. Looking down I found the cause -a tranquilizer dart. It didn't affect me, but it ticked me off even more, causing the next group of guards that approached me to get it the worst. I grabbed two guards by the head and headbutted them together, and kicked another in the stomach. I used my claws to claw several of them in the stomach and launched one across the room.

I could feel more and more darts penetrate my back as I ran out of the room. I sprinted down the hall and screamed out as I felt something in the back of my neck.

The world began to get blurry and dizziness followed. I could feel my weight shift as I fell backwards, my whole world going dark.

My eyes fluttered open as they adjusted to the darkness that encompassed me. I groaned and tried to sit up, only to feel something pull me backwards. As I looked down I noticed a metal collar on my neck connected to a chain that was attached to the wall.

I immediately began to try and pull at the chain but I was slowly getting tired and worn out from all of the day's events. The dang collar was just irritating, as I wasn't anything close to a dog.

After trying to get free, and seeing no change, I decided to give up, as there was no use and I was too tired. With my back against the wall, I slid down and huddled into the corner, trying to conserve all of my remaining body heat. Then, I slowly felt my eyes begin to close.

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