The Start

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* Trailer*                                                                                                                                                                            

Julissa's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and looked around the room of the motel where we had spent the night, only to see my mother rush in and yell.

"Get up, they found us," she said as she flung my clothes in my backpack. I ran and grabbed my shoes and put them on my feet.

She grabbed me as we made it to the front door I looked back and remembered Mr.Cuddles.

"No, Mom, we can't leave Mr. Cuddles," I loved Mr.Cuddles, he was my best and only friend. She looked back to the motel room. " I'm sorry baby but we can't," she said.

"Please we can't leave him!" I cried out because I knew it was her weakness and that she would do it.

She sighed and ran inside and came back out then gave me Mr.Cuddles, which I happily embraced. My mom smiled and picked me up. We ran down the stairs and got into the car.

She sat me down in the back seat. I glanced out the window as she shut the door and hopped in the front. She started the car and we drove off.

I dozed off only to be woken up by my mom screaming as the car swerved and began tumbling which left me hanging from my car seat.

"Momma!" I yelled as I was stuck there hanging upside down.

I noticed that Momma was also upside down and had just woken up from me yelling.S he looked hurt; she had weird white stuff coming from multiple cuts - it was what she called blood.

I was about to call for her again but she was seized out of the car by a man in black wearing a funny-looking red skull which I had seen since birth. I didn't move out of fear for my mom.

Just then I heard a grunt and a crack. I saw a body fall on the ground and I started to cry even louder because I was becoming frightened.

"It's okay baby, just calm down, Momma's gonna get you out alright."

She raced over to me and broke off the door and flung it away.

I cried as she unbuckled my seat belt.

"It's okay don't cry"

"But mommy you're bleeding," I said as she smiled at me.

"It's okay to bleed once in a while," I looked at her cuts and watched as they disappeared one by one.

I looked at her with wide eyes. "Mommy they're gone!" Her smile became even bigger and she started laughing.

"It's because I'm special, just like you". She smiled as she booped me on my nose. She picked me up and went to another car and sat me down in the front seat.

She then ran over to the body, looking for something which I assumed was the keys, because that's the only things that can start a car - or so Momma tells me.

She ran back to the wreck and got our stuff out then ran back to the car picked me up, put me in the back seat and buckled me up.

We started driving again before I grew hungry.

"Momma I'm hungry," she sighed.

"We're almost there I promise."

"Okay mommy," I slowly began to drift off to sleep.

I fell asleep only to be woken up to Mommy taking me out of the car. "We'll be safe here" she said to me softly. "Anetha es que tu"(Anetha is that you). I turned my head to see an older woman and man. "Si madre es"(Yes, mother, it is).The door flung open and we were greeted with hugs.

"Momma who are they?" I whispered and she gave me a look.

"These are your grandparents." She smiled.

"They don't look like you Momma." Her smile slightly became faded

I turned to see my grandma. "Well, that doesn't matter because we raised her ever since she showed up here on that spaceship," she said, causing me to look at my mom. What does she mean by she showed up here in a spaceship? As if she read my mind and seeing my confusion on my face, Mom decided to change the subject.

"Well, Julissa's tired. She needs some rest."

"But I'm hungry." That's when Grandma raced over to me and brought me to the kitchen to have a snack.

When I was finished eating, Mom sent me to bed.

I woke up to screaming and yelling, causing me to run out of the room. I saw Grandpa at the door arguing with some men that had forced their way in.

I tried not to move, but I accidentally knocked over a vase when trying to leave. I slowly looked up and realized that I had been noticed.

They pushed grandpa and grabbed me. "I have the girl, but there's still no sign of Project 72" I screamed as the man pulled my hair. I tried to pull at his hands.

Then Grandma came out of nowhere with a huge pan and hit the guy."Tu asqueroso hombre no toques a mi nieta!" (Don't touch my granddaughter you filthy man).

I ran to my grandma and cried "Where's my momma?" I managed to ask, my voice shaking heavily. She immediately took notice and put a gentle hand on my back.

"Go find her, she was in the back, and I'll keep them busy" She whispered. I nodded as I ran out the back door. It didn't take long to spot the shed and run to it.

"Momma!" I shouted as I heard many footsteps and guns going off but none of them hit me. I continued to yell until I saw my mom run out of the shed to see the men that were chasing me.She rushed over and tackled one to the ground but he threw her off.When she got up I noticed her eyes were pure white and when the guy looked at her he turned to stone.She smiled and scooped me up and ran back to the shed.

"Julissa, I need you to hide here for mommy okay?" She said as she cupped my cheek. I nodded as she turned around as she began running back towards the house, leading them away from me.

As I had remained in my hiding spot I could hear someone coming in the shed. I let out a low growl.

I slowly climbed up onto a series of boxes that had allowed me to get the upper hand and I prepared to attack.

I spotted a man with a Hydra symbol on his uniform with a gun and I quietly growled. He was going to take us back and I knew that I never wanted to go back.

Alerting him that he wasn't alone, I pounced on his back causing him to pull the trigger. As the gun went off I had managed to get a good grip on his neck. I then snapped it causing his limp body to fall.

I jumped off of him, not wanting to be injured by the impact. As I ran to the door I heard yelling and a gunshot.

"Mom!" I ran outside to see my mother on her knees with a big cut across her face. It was slowly healing but it looked to be very deep and painful.

I stepped in front of Mom to see my grandfather. He wasn't moving, he was just laying there on the ground and my mom was screaming trying to break free. Once she finally did, she crawled to him and continued sobbing.

She tried shaking him but he never woke up. When she finally looked up and saw me, she tried to get up but it seemed that her body wouldn't let her.

I felt a hand wrap my mouth with a cloth, with the other arm wrapped around my neck to keep me from fighting back. I tried to reach out for my mom but she became blurrier and blurrier as I fought to get free. Soon my eyes were fluttering shut and my body stopped struggling as it no longer had the energy to fight back. Slowly my vision was overwhelmed by darkness.

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