~How you met~

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(NOTE: THIS STORY IS OLD AS SHIT, AND IM SORRY!! it has everything you got in a bad story- stiff and generally bad writing, a self insert at some point, and [honestly the worst part, in my opinion], transphobia for the sake of  shitty soap opera drama. sure, I was 13/14 when I wrote this [don't ask what a preteen was doing in the Hazbin fandom, hell if I know man], but I was still being an ignorant asshole. I was debating deleting this, but then I realized that to sweep this story under the rug would be to pretend it never happened, and as much as I don't like this anymore, I did have some fond memories writing it, ones that I feel like shouldn't be brushed aside like that. so instead, a small warning would suffice. thank for for reading, and I am SO sorry about my preteen brain rot ueueue)


When you were in a depressive state, a friend asked you to stay at the Happy Hotel. You hesitantly agreed, ran into Charlie while checking in, and hit it off pretty well.


You were getting attacked by one of the overlords, so Vaggie ran in to defend you, despite not knowing who you were. You thanked her, and she offered to walk you home, to which you accepted.

Angel Dust

For whatever reason, you were at a strip club, whenever it was that you worked there or you liked the bar in it. He found you cool and decided to flirt with you. To his surprise, you actually liked it, and even delivered a few pick up lines of your own.


At one of the cannibalistic restaurants (likely Hellway; Eat Flesh), the dangerous radio demon was there. For whatever reason, he decided to sit at your table and have a conversation, to both your fear and delight.


After getting dumped by a brat, you decided to go to a bar to cope. You saw him and found him interesting, so you decided to chat with the grumpy cat. To everyone's shock, he cracked a smile.


You were one of Alastor's associates that he brought to the hotel. Niffty thought you very beautiful/handsome and decided to try to befriend you, to your absolute happiness.


You became a patient at the Happy Hotel at the time Baxter became one. He found you decent, and introduced himself to you when everyone left the room.


You were doing vandalism on Katie Killjoy's house. Crymini noticed this and decided to help you, and laughed with you at Katie's reaction when you were done. As for what y'all spray-canned on there- that is up to you.


You were a big fan of her-maybe even had a celebrity crush on her- so you attended one of her big shows. After the show, you asked her to sign a autograph, and she did so along with a kiss on the cheek, to your extreme happiness. Looks like she has a fan-brity crush on you, eh?

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