Since this was such a good opportunity where they were alone, Gulf started to look for ways to ask about what happened between him and Gulf. This was harder than expected without straight-out admitting he wasn't from this world, but P'Best saved him any trouble.

"Did you give Mew the wedding anniversary gift?" he asked the younger, who this time sat in the passenger seat instead of in the back. Gulf shook his head. He hadn't even known the original Gulf had prepared one. Where could it be? He'll have to look for it.

"... I thought things went better, with you wanting to act together again, but I guess...?" P'Best left his sentence unfinished. Gulf didn't know what to say, making the manager sigh again.

"You know, I was super worried when you broke off the phone call that evening before your wedding anniversary!" the manager sounded as if he was scolding Gulf, but the tone was too soft to really indicate he was mad. It sounded more like he was really worried.

"I'm sorry," was all Gulf could say, not knowing why he ended the call himself.

P'Best shook his head. "Don't be! You did nothing wrong! This is all Mew's fault!" this time the man did sound angry. "He needs to get his shit sorted and face his own emotions, instead of dragging you down with his insecurities!"

Gulf wished he knew what to say, what to answer on that, but he just sighed. He leaned his head on his arms, a sudden headache taking over.

What had been going on between Mew and Gulf before?

The manager saw the nong slump over, deciding to cut the conversation there. Maybe today wasn't a good moment to talk about this.

Although Gulf still didn't completely feel comfortable alone in the apartment, still he tried to make the best of it. After changing into more comfortable clothing, he moved to the living room. Dinner stood prepared on the large table, some take-away they picked up on the way back. Sitting on the ground to eat, he grabbed the nearby remote control and pressed play.

Time for episode 5.

Yesterday he had asked Mew to explain some of his experiences on the scenes as they passed, which had been very interesting. He would comment anecdotes about acting or jokes that passed between Gulf and him behind the scenes. However, whenever a kiss or NC scene passed, the older husband would just silently watch. On those moments, Gulf had wished he would share what he was thinking. Obviously, they hadn't been dating then, according to the media, but they still had intimate kissing scenes like those. He wondered what this worlds Gulf had been thinking and feeling. He also wondered, when the kisses had turned from fake passion to real love.

After Type finally kissed Tharn on his own, Gulf needed to take a break. Emotions had started getting the better of him, and he almost cried from relief when the older Type finally kissed his roommate. It had also remembered him that he had to do some apologizing on his own.

He left the living room and entered the kitchen, grabbing some water as he pressed the caller ID.

"...Hello?" the girl on the other side sounded tired as she answered the phone.

Gulf immediately felt bed. "N'Art, sorry, did I wake you up?'

Nong Art made a sound of confirmation, then added: "It's okay though, I'm glad you called." He could hear the smile in her voice. Art had always been an easy-going person without many worries in the world, she had always supported him and P'Beer back when they were studying together. It had been an easy friendship. Only now, P'Beer and N'Art apparently weren't dating anymore.

"I wanted to apologize," Gulf started after he noticed a small silence. "For the article and pictures that were taken. I hope you didn't get into problems?"

The girl on the other side laughed, but it sounded tired. "A little," she confessed.

Gulf wanted to immediately apologise again, but the other was already speaking again. "My niece wants your autograph, she almost killed me since I never told her I knew you," the smile was apparent on her voice.

Having been worried about nothing, Gulf couldn't help but laugh as well. "I promise I'll come and bring—" He said, but Art coughed. Right, not a good idea. "I'll send some your way," he promised instead. He needed to get used to this life.

Art agreed, adding that she would send her name by text. Gulf felt nice, being able to apologise this way. N'Art was really easy going, she probably wouldn't say what really bothered her, instead finding some way to make a joke out of it and move on. He appreciated that.

Which made him think about P'Beer, and their non-existent relationship.

"Nong Art, why exactly did you and P'Beer break up?" he asked.

A small curse could he heard on the other side of the phone, and a loud sound that resembled something falling.

"P'Beer told me he had never ever really liked me. That he was just pretending."

Gulf finished episode 5 and 6 that night. Mew arrived home late, entering the living room to say hi to his younger nong. Gulf was suddenly pulled up by the older, hands encircling his body as he was hugged. He wasn't really sure what was going on. He wanted to accept the hug and hug the other as well, but they weren't in public. However nice it felt to be hugged like this, he wasn't sure of his older husband's intension. So, he just stood there as Mew hid his face in his neck, breathing in the younger scent.

"Thank you," the older whispered, his voice indicated he was exhausted. A sudden smell entered Gulf's nose, one that he associated with alcohol. Lots of it. Gulf tried to loosen the hug, but the other wouldn't budge. If they stood here any longer like this, Mew might fall asleep! Hoping to avoid that disaster, he grabbed the older man's arm and hung it over his shoulder. Taking small steps towards the bedroom, they eventually reached it. No way was he redirecting the man to the guest room right now. He laid Mew down, swiftly removing his shoes. He should probably feel ashamed of the way he so easily unbuttoned the shirt of the other, but he figured he could classify it under husband duties so there was no reason to be awkward about it.

So much for talking later.

Finally, Mew was lying down in a somehow comfortable position. Gulf climbed onto the right side of the bed, arranging Mew's blankets and his own. He was about to leave, intending to sleep in the spare room himself, but Mew grabbed his arm and pulled him towards him.

Gulf fell a little too hard on the other's chest, both of them letting out a deep breath from the impact. However, arms held him there, so he wasn't allowed to move anymore. He struggled a little, trying to open the palms, but Mew made a sound of annoyance.

"Let me hug you like this right now, and I promise we'll talk tomorrow," the man sounded pretty awake for his behaviour just now. Then he said in a lower voice, "I have a free day, we can spend it together."

This made Gulf give up any attempt to struggle. They really needed to talk, but if Mew promised it would be tomorrow, he had no choice than to trust the man to say the truth. They were supposed to talk today, but with Mew's current condition he knew it was useless. Plus, he wasn't necessarily uncomfortable in this position.

After a while he was able to turn a little. Mew's face was so close next to his, sleeping soundly. He loosened the arms around him and laid a little higher on Mew's chest. Then he held out his hands towards the elder's hair. Reminiscent of how Type had played with Tharn's hair in the episode, Gulf started to pat Mew's hair.

How soft.

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