Prologue: The Endless Journey

288 8 3

30 September Year 22

The container was ablaze. I covered my mouth and nose with my sleeve and looked around. I had to find Namjoon, but with the smoke rising in front of me, I couldn't see a thing. People with black masks and hats suddenly appeared in the smoke. Their metal pipes rent the smoky air. Someone collapsed grabbing his bleeding head. Drum cans on fire rolled between those people. The place seemed like hell on earth with the smell of iron and plastic burning, flames rising, and people wailing. In the midst of it all, one boy was running with tears streaming down his face.

I followed the boy with my eyes. He ran to where Namjoon's container was. When I jumped into the smoke, I couldn't stop coughing. My eyes stung. Still, I ran. When I saw the mark on the black hats, I stopped. I had seen that mark at a redevelopment meeting. I remembered each face I had seen there, including my dad's.

The demolition date. When it was on paper, it seemed dry and formal. The matter-of-fact expressions, smiles, and chatting of the people in the meeting had not foretold what was happening now. This place where the people were being forced to move out of their container houses was nothing short of hell.

I saw the container on fire not too far away. The people in front of it were trying to move a heavy iron plate that fell in front of its door. Someone yelled, "Someone is still inside!" It was Namjoon's container. I pushed through the people and got to the door. The plate was blocking the door. When I grabbed the plate, my hand burned from the heat. "One, two, three." Someone counted, and on three, we pushed away the plate.

With the plate away, the half torn-down door opened with a bang. The poisonous gas gushed out, and inside someone was on the floor. I pushed away the hands that held me back and ran inside. When I dragged Namjoon out, someone said, "He looks dead. He must be really dead."

"Kim Namjoon! Wake up!" I shook his shoulders and brought my ear close to his chest. I screamed at him and slapped his cheek. But he didn't open his eyes. "Kim Namjoon!" I punched the ground and screamed his name. At that very moment, everything became faint — the fire, heat, screams, and explosions. My body felt as heavy as lead.

And I heard a window being shattered at a faraway distance.

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