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Chapter 60: Birthday Girl

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The cool wind whipped through my hair as I rode on horseback down the cobblestone path. Levi's horse close behind. It was the second day of March, a few days before the march to Kustea.

Today was my 18th birthday. A busy day in fact for there was a royal ball tonight in celebration for my special day. Before the ball would start Levi and I decided to go out for a while to avoid the stressful cake testing, decoration samples and dress fitting.

Stopping in the middle of the road I turn the horse so I was able to look back at Levi and wait for him. He had said he wanted to show me something in the woods not too far from the castle. As his horse came up to me, he turned and cut over onto the grass following a clear trail through the forest.

Following behind him I quickly catch up and ride along side him. We didn't say much instead I was too busy scanning the vicinity like old times. To this day part of me still felt like his guard although it had been crystal clear I would never be in that position again.

The trees were slowly growing back their leaves as spring was just around the corner. The days slowly grew longer and just yesterday it had rained instead of snowed. It would be an early spring this year.

Soon enough we would reach a large area cleared off. The trees surrounding the area gave us perfect privacy. There was a large statued of an angel in the middle of a slightly frozen lake. The statue had been a fair amount of damage, large cracks trailed up and down wings and onto the woman's face. On her forehead was a crescent moon on it's side.

It was Ezmera, a sacred space just for praying. The place was now vacant due to newly built churches that brought people away from here. Slightly confused I look to Levi wondering why he had brought me. "My mother and father were married here." he states.

I tilt my head up slowly understanding now. Climbing off my horse onto the cold ground I walk up to the podium there a book would be placed but as of now it was empty. Behind it was an old bouquet, few rose petals remained attached to the stem but had lost all color.

"This is where I intend to marry." Levi informs me.

We'd be wed here, in front of the eyes of Ezmera and the holy church. Twisting around I look to Levi who had a serious expression. "It's perfect." I say softly. We spent a while longer walking around and talking about nothing in particular before riding around the castle grounds.

By mid afternoon Levi and I headed in for our attire fitting for tonight's ball. I would wear my national color of red while Levi would wear his color blue.

Levi and I seperated into two different rooms, our outfits would be a surprise to us until the ball. Standing there in the dress I lifted my arms as the seamstress did her work on making it fit me like a glove. Here and there she would prick me causing me to let out a soft hiss.

A few more pricks and lifting of my skirt and I would be ready to undress and let the seamstress make her adjustments.

"Alright you're done, I will see you tonight before the ball." the woman says.

Nodding and smile I wave goodbye before walking out of the room. As I turn to close the door I quickly turn and look down the hall. There I saw another woman in a red silk gown. She smiled at me happily. It was my mother.

Hastily running down the hall I threw myself into my mother's arms humming happily as she rocked back and forth. "Oh, my darling girl, how are you." she says as she sets me down.

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