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The world freezes. Time freezes. Everything seems frozen except for one thing.

Ethan and I.

His eyes are locked to mine, and I'm dying on the inside. There's almost nothing more nerve-wracking than telling your best friend that you have feelings for him.

I snap out of my daze when Ethan's lips land on mine. They taste good. Not a certain taste, but a simple natural one. His lips are sweet.

Finally, I begin to feel an actual spark. The kiss gets more heated as Ethan's hand moves to my hair, and I know this feels right.

With Grayson, it didn't even feel close to this good. Sure, he's a good kisser, but there's nothing that compares to a kiss when there's feelings involved.

Nothing can compare to the feelings I'm getting with Ethan.

His lips pull away from mine, and both of us process what just happened.

"Wow," Ethan whispers, his forehead pressing against mine. "This is new."

I giggle. "Yeah. This is new, isn't it?"

"So, what does this mean for us?"

"I mean, it means I like you." I say, looking into his eyes.

He seems nervous, almost like he doesn't know what to say. Looking down at my bedspread, he sighs. "You know, Emma, I didn't realize I that I like you until I knew that you left with Grayson at the party. I just got this feeling that I was being replaced, and I hated that more than anything. I realized that I want us to be more than best friends."

I lean my head on his shoulder, loving the fact that he immediately put his arm around me. "So, does this mean we're doing this?"

"Yeah. I think so," Ethan says. "I would love getting you all to myself."

He laced our hands together, and then kisses me when I look up at him.

I was right. Ethan is the one that this feels right with.

I giggle into the kiss as Ethan lays down, our lips never disconnecting. I could kiss him forever if I wanted to. I don't want this to stop.

I'm really making out with my best friend right now. I can't believe that we both realized this is how we feel about each other at the same time. It's like the stars aligned, because this makes way more sense than Grayson and I would've.

I pull away for air, realizing that Ethan and I are together now. "I think it's always been us, E."

He sits up, and then pulls me to sit in his lap, leaning his head against my shoulder. "I think so too. We just didn't realize it until now."

"What am I gonna tell Grayson? He thinks we're hanging out tomorrow?"

"Just tell him the truth. I think he'll understand."

"He better, because now I have a boyfriend that can kick his ass."

Ethan laughs, kissing me on the cheek. "Exactly. And I have a girlfriend who is completely obsessed with me for some reason."

I laugh at his joke. "Well, you are pretty cute."

"Yeah? I think you're cute."

"You better," I tease. Ethan and I burst with laughter. He really is my best friend in the whole world.

It feels good flirting with Ethan, but at the same time it's almost comical. It's Ethan of all people. It never occurred to me that I'd ever flirt with my best friend.

After a little while longer of us just sitting on my bed and laughing with each other, Ethan went home. It was getting late, and he had football practice the next morning.

I still needed to talk to Grayson, so I'm calling him. He answers after four rings.

"Hey, Emma. What's up?"

"Hey. Can we talk?"

"Yeah. Of course."

"I know we're supposed to hang out soon, but I did a lot of thinking, and I realized that I really like Ethan, and he likes me back. I liked you for two years, but Ethan's my best friend, and I realized that he's the one I should've been thinking about."

Grayson doesn't respond right away, and it makes me feel awful. "Oh," he says. "That's cool. So, you guys are like dating now?"

"Yeah," I reply. "He came over and we talked about it."

"Thanks for telling me as soon as you could."

"No problem. We're cool, right?"

"Yeah. We're cool. See you Monday?"

I smile. "Yeah. Have a good night, okay? You'll find someone great. I promise."

"Thanks, Emma."

"No problem."

"Bye." He says, hanging up.

I stare at my phone for a minute before going to my messages, and texting Ethan.

Emma: I told Grayson

Ethan takes a few minutes to respond. I figured he must've fallen asleep when he got home. Either that or he was in the shower or something.

Ethan: did it go okay?

Emma: yeah. He's cool with it.

Ethan: that's good.

Emma: I wish you could've stayed over so we could still be hanging out :(

Ethan: miss me already?

Emma: I always miss you. You're my best friend. the boyfriend part is an added bonus

Ethan: lmao you are so funny

Emma: what? lmao

Ethan: you just have an interesting way of saying things sometimes. It's cute.

Emma: ohhh I get it. You have such a dirty mind

Ethan: only for you ;)

Emma: the boyfriend part really is an added bone

Ethan: you have no idea
Ethan: wait unless—

Emma: I would've told you

Ethan: that's what I figured. That makes you even cuter

Emma: what that I'm a virgin?

Ethan: yeah. It's cute because your whole life changes in a way, so it's cute that you still have it to look forward to someday

Ethan: but I'm never gonna put pressure on you to do it. It's your choice, and it's one hundred percent up to you, even when you are ready for it.

Emma: I know you'll keep me safe

Ethan: always

Emma: the best thing about us is that we're already so comfortable around each other, and it doesn't have to be awkward because we've already learned everything about each other

Ethan: that means we can make out as much as we want.

Emma: oh yeah?

Ethan: mmmhmm.

Emma: sounds hot. I like kissing you

Ethan: you can kiss me tomorrow if you want

Emma: what time does practice end for you?

Ethan: it's from 11-2

Emma: come over after

Ethan: you got it

Emma: okay. Get some sleep.

Ethan: Goodnight girlfriend :)

Emma: Goodnight my boy

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