Chapter 12- Falling Into Place

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Monday came around meaning the field trip was today. I needed a day off from my classes I had had enough of my classes. We didn’t have to wear our uniforms, so I decided to wear a casual pin stipe collard shirt, tan pants, and my riding boots. Once again my dad left me a note telling me he would be back home late of course.

When I got to school I could already see everyone waiting outside the bus. Zayn and Kristen stood together chatting away. I walked over and talked to some other students looking at Zayn from the corner of my eye. 

“Okay everyone I’m going to split you guys up into two groups. You are staying with these groups for the entire trip got it?” Everyone nodded their heads. “Don’t be too upset if you’re not with your friends last hour at the museum is free time. Okay so Mark, Liza,” Mr.Gerald read of a list of names. Deep down I was hoping Zayn and I would be in the same group I wanted to ask him about the other day at my house, and what exactly he ment by 'I haven't forgotten.' “Danna, Kristen, and---” 

“Please don’t say Zayn.” I mumbled.

“And Zayn. The rest of you are group number two.” Of course Kristen and Zayn would be in the same group. Kristen probably sweet talked Mr.Gerald into putting them together. We headed into the bus I looked down the rows of seats deciding where to sit. Zayn sat with Kristen at the back she made sure she was nice and close to him. He looked up and saw me he gave a quick wave and a hopeful smile. I waved back and took a seat beside another classmate. 

I thought I would be upset the entire time, but I actually was really enjoying myself. I had friends in my group, so I hardly thought about Zayn and Kristen because I was having fun. The paintings inside were stunning, however my favourite part was the bust sculptures each one was so different. I studied each one, but the one that caught my eye was a marble bust of a woman. The hair, the eyes, the skin, they were all perfect. After staring at it for a few minutes I turned back to my group, however they were gone. I looked around the room trying to find them, but I was the only one there.

“Crap.” I ran out of the room and headed to the exhibit beside it, but still no sign of my classmates or tour guide. I lost them. I wandered around, giving myself a tour of the museum. I checked my watch it was free time soon anyway why not start early? All of a sudden I felt a hand grab mine. I let out a tiny scream as the hand pulled me back. I turned around and saw Zayn there giving me a mischievous smile. “What the hell! You scared the shit out of me!” 

“I’m sorry I saw you wandering around so I came to say hi!” How could I be mad at him he looked so innocent. His deep brown eyes looked into mine making me melt. I realized he was still holding my hand, so I released my grip.

“Shouldn’t you be in your group?” I asked trying to break his gaze.

“Yeah, but I’ve had enough art for now. Time for fun!” Before I could say anything he grabbed my hand and dragged me through the museum. People gave us rude looks, probably wondering what the heck we were doing running around in a fancy museum. Zayn and I laughed anyways it was quite a rush. Finally we ran out some doors and into a garden outside. 

“Wow it’s beautiful.” Even though it was cold outside, some plants still remained lush, but the real beauty was the fountain in the center of the garden. He continued to hold my hand making small circling motions with fingers on my palm.

“Yeah it is.” Zayn sat down on a stone bench facing the fountain, and I followed.

“So how’s Kristen?” I asked looking down.

“She’s good I guess why?” 

“You two seem to be getting along really well.” Zayn turned his body so he was facing me. “Are you guys together now or something?”

“Why would you say that?” 

“Well you guys spend a lot of time together you even brought her to the cafe the other day.”

“Autumn she’s just a friend. I only agreed to go to the cafe with her later because she was making me feel bad.” I could tell he was telling the truth. I looked over at him he had a tiny smile on his face. “Besides how can I like her when I like someone else?” That’s when my heart did summersaults was he talking about me? I didn’t know what to say even if I wanted to Zayn cut me off by kissing me. I leaned in and wrapped my arms around his neck while he ran his fingers through my hair. I had expected a million other things to happen today, but this definitely was not one of them. We finally pulled out, and this time I really had nothing to say.

“I like you Autumn, and nobody else.” Zayn said I still couldn’t say anything.

“I like you too.” I finally spat out. He leaned back in and kissed me again this time I was prepared. 

After an hour of talking and running around the museum, we rushed back to the bus where the rest of the class waited. 

“There you guys are your free hour was up 15 minutes ago!” Mr.Gerald said dramatically. Time flys when your kissing the guy you like I felt like saying. Zayn and I ran on to the bus laughing, but stopped when we saw Kristen glaring. We realized the only empty seat was the one opposite to Kristen’s. I took the window seat while Zayn took the isle.

“Zayn where were you, we were supposed to spend free time together!” Kristen complained what a diva.

“Sorry Kris I wanted to see Autumn.” With that Zayn laced his fingers through my fingers making it clear to Kristen that he was taken. I swear I could see the steam coming out of her ears I could see she was trying to remain cool.

“Yeah whatever.” She turned her head and looked out her window. Even though everything was fine now I knew Kristen wasn’t going to give up without a fight. 

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Go With It (A Zayn Malik Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang