kidnapped pt. 1

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5 days had passed since Mikey had saw his family. Well ex family. He started to remember back on everything that he had said to them.

And Mikey didnt regret one thing he said to them.

He really had to get that off his chest. After all of that he felt a weight lifted off his chest, but that wasnt enough, it was till heavy to him.

But that's when tiger claw stepped in and offered Mikey a notebook. It was a notebook to write down his feelings so he wouldnt keep them bottled up.

That wasnt the only thing Mikey would do in this journal. He would also draw. Every night he would go up to the roof and draw the city. He would also draw the stars.

He would never forget to draw them.

One day Mikey was drawing on the roof when rahzar came up behind him.

Rahzar leaned up to him. "Whatcha doin turtle?"

Mikey let out a yelp and closed his book. "J-just drawing ahaha!"

Rahzar raised an eyebrow. "Can I see?"

Mikey gulped and slowly opened it up. He slowly shows rahzar a ecent drawing.

"Wow that actually doesn't look like garbage." Rahzar said leaning back away from Mikey.

Mikey gives rahzar a closed eyed smile. "Thank you."

Rahzar looks around before looking at Mikey again. "So you sit up here every night and draw this?" Rahzar motioned out to the site in front of them.

"Dont you ever get bored of drawing the same thing over and over?" Rahzar asked.

Mikey chuckles. "Not really." He said standing out. "I cant ever get bored if a site like this."

And with that, Mikey left the roof. He went to his room and flipped on the bed. It was finally time to sleep and tomorrow was early training around 5 o'clock.

Oroku sensei never made Mikey get up at that time but he wasn't going to protest against it.

Sensei knows best.

Mikey let out a yaen and flicked off his lamp light. He soon drifted off into a deep sleep.





Mikey woke up to a noise coming from outside of his room.

"Sensei?" Mikey asked sitting up.

No one answered.

Mikey narrowed his eyes and slowly got his bed and grabbed his knife that is placed on his bed stand. He slowly crept torwards the door.

He carefully put his hand on the doorknob... and quickly swung it open.

But no one was there. Mikey narrowed his eyes and looked down the dark hallway.

Suddenly something hard hit him over the head, knocking him unconscious. He knife fell out of his hands and slid across the floor.

"Okay we got him, let's hurry up and get out of here."

Meanwhile tiger claw was in the kitchen watching the leftover pizza in the microwave heat up when he heard the voices.

Tiger claw immediately stopped the microwave and whipped out his gun.

Ever since he started living here he knew everyone would be asleep already except Oroku. But Oroku was as quiet as a mouse, he never leaves his room when hes awake.

Something was up.

Tiger claw walked out into the hallway and walked down it, examining for anything suspicious.

Then his foot knocked into something.

Tiger claw looked down and saw a knife. Not just any knife but thats knife's owner was Michelangelo.

"Oh no..." tiger claw's eyes widen as he bolted inside of Michelangelo's room and looked around. Mikey was no where in sight.

"I need to get master shredder."





Mikey soon woke up but not where he wanted to be. There he was, caged up like an animal.

"What the hell?" Mikey said grabbing on to the hars only to get an immediate bolt of electricity through him making yell in pain.

Mikey growled. "Whoever kidnapped me, I'm going to mess you up!" Mikey yelled kicking the bar only to get shocked again.

Mikey yelped and hopped around holding his foot trying to soothe it.

"Mikey?" A familiar voice came from behind him.

Mikey slowly turned to see the one and only donatello.

'Oh great.'

To be continued...

Change comes from pain [TMNT a Original Mikey Story]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن