Like a timebomb set into motion...

18 0 0

^^^^^^^^^ fetus Tony ^^^^^^^^

Tony's POV

A million thoughts flood through my head as u get ready to set my plan into morion. I had set up a link so that when she gets my next email when she opens the message it will directly send her to a Skype call with me. My nerves are flooding through my body, I don't even know this girl and I am hoping to god that she doesn't ignore the email and believe I'm a hacker or something, I have never wanted to help someone so much in my entire life, this girl is different as sson as my eye's met hero's I knew she was something very special. I have been sitting staring at my laptop for the last couple of hours reading and re-reading the email I have sent to her a single line of words and symbols leading her to the strongest proof she would find that it was me.


Hours pass and my nerves are building as I read and reread the very first email she has ever sent me secretly hoping she would hurry up and open the latest on so I can see her face again and prove I am really me.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by my Skype call tone, my heart skips a beat and lurches to my throat, thundering feet snaps me out of my frozen state as I realise the guys have heard it too and are coming to get in their spots opposite me so I can introduce them once I have spoken for a little while. All three guys stumble through the door tripping over each other and themselves causing me to let out a small chuckle and their immaturity. I grab my iPad and let myself take a breath as the guys sit on the sofa opposite me anticipation etched all over their feature's.

Clicking on the answer button I bite my bottom lip out of nerves and hope that it's her that is calling....'here goes nothing'  The screen goes blank momenterally but is soon replaced by a beautiful face sceptically looking back at me, as if expecting it not to be me who was on the other screen, it takes me a couple of seconds to recognise her without the nervous look on her face, a small amount of make-up is present on her face enough to show attitude but not enough to make her seem slutty and over the top, her feature's soon change from sceptical to slightly shocked as she realises it is in fact me that left the note. I let her absorb the moment and as I'm about to speak she beats me to it by saying the cutest and amusing thing I have ever heard from someone before...

"No fucking way... Have I fallen asleep and am dreaming this whole thing? Please god give me a sign this is really happening" She slightly smiled throughout the whole sentence making her features light up her face. I decide this is a good time to show her she isn't dreaming as I see the guys sitting across from me smiling and holding back giggles from what she just said.

"Louisiana your not dreaming I promise" I smile as her eyes go wide while I speak.


Hello beauties

I'm sorry I left this on a bit of a cliff hanger type thing but I thought this would be a sensible spot to stop in order to work with my plan type thingy :) any how I'm sorry I haven't updated in 2 weeks but I have mock exams and things going on so trying to fit this into studying is kind of hard.
I'm going to start putting a song for each chapter it may be the chapter titles song but it may not be depends on the theme of the chapter this chapters is.... Time bomb by all time low
Hope to update sooner next time happy reading

Ciara xxx

I'm hoping that God looks away this time (ptv fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now