5. Wouldn't have it any other way

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Tony's pov (a/n surprise I guess)

I scan the crowd most hands in the air. Vic never told us about the speech he was going make but it wasn't out of the norm he does it sometimes when the lyrics of some of the songs get to him. Understandable when some of the lyrics are really personal to not only us but the fans as well. My eyes snap onto a youngish girl in the crowd arm raised and eyes fixed on me with a small smile on her face, in almost some sort of defiance as she raises her hand to the speech. It takes me a second for my eyes to land upon the reason she has her hand raised her wrist and forearm are littered with not only scars but fresh cuts that mustn't be anymore than a couple of days old. The sight alone breaks my heart that such a beautiful young girl could have been out through so much that she feels that is her only escape. She must have noticed that I saw but in a flash she lowers her arm hiding her self destruction from me. What I do next kind of surprises me, I mouthed something to her, not something I do very often mainly due to the fact we never really have a break where I have time to zoom in one one person in the crowd. What I mouthed clearly shocks the girl, the look of pure shock and happiness on her face says it all. 'stay strong beautiful' I don't know what made me say it but something inside told me she needed to be told to hold on and that she's a beautiful girl.

The rest of the show is pretty uneventful, we jammed out doubly hard after the speech emotions running high for all of us, after the show we all exit the venue and pile on the bus still pumped from playing to such a big crowd, only one thing was on my mind though the girl I know it sound corny but this isn't a Romeo and Juliet type of thing I'm not into her in that way I can tell she was under age but that wasn't what attracted me to her it was how innocent she was and how helpless and hurt her eyes looked as she looked into mine. I didn't want a relationship but maybe just a friendship in which I could try and help her find a way out of the place she is stuck in and help her find another way to get through it without hurting herself in the process, that in itself could be harder than planned considering we were at a venue miles away from where we live and there is no way of knowing she will even see me again I just have to hope with all my heart that she is one of the people who managed to get tickets to the meet and greet we are doing tonight, that thought snaps me out of my daydream bringing me back into reality. We have a meet and greet in about an hour and I look and small horrible, I need to tidy myself up before I have to meet fans smelling like a boys locker room in high school. With that thought I speed up my slow walk to a jog hopping up the steep steps of the tour bus and heading straight to my bunk to find my man stuff I need to clean myself up before we meet our beloved fans, maybe just maybe she will be one of them allowing me a chance to find out a bit about her and think of a way I can get to talk to her without being interrupted by god knows how many fan girls and boys waiting for us to sign god knows what, don't get me wrong I love our fans to pieces but some of the things we have been given to sign are really quite random and strange...

After sorting myself out and making myself look at least a little bit more presentable than before we walk towards the hall where the meet and greet would be held tonight. Still in a slight day dream I don't really notice the guys talking to me until Jaime snaps his fingers in front of my face, jumping about two feet in the air I look over at the three Mexicans beside me who are clearly amused by my reaction. A joking scowl plays across my face as I turn to look at them properly. "What can't a guy zone out and then jump a foot in the air every once in a while?" I scowl playfully at the short vocalist in front of me who just continues laughing my own guess is that it's my facial expression he's finding so funny. He finally calms down enough to reply just before we get to the double doors of the hall. "Sorry Tone it was pretty funny we only wanted to tell you that you seem pretty day dreamy today is everything okay with you?" A slightly serious expression crosses his and my fellow band members faces for a moment before I realize why they are so worried, I guess I have been pretty spacey lately and last time that happened it didn't end well at all but that's something I don't want to think about right now... Yeah I'm fine just a bit tired that's all, now lets go meet some of our amazing fans shall we?" Smiling widely I open the double doors and lead them through the hall until we get to a long table, four uncomfortable looking chairs situated behind it, in the back of my mind I know we won't be sat down to much due to fans wanting pictures and hugs which are by far my favourite part of the meet and greets, the times we actually get to interact properly with the people who got us where we are today and I don't mean a huge hall in god knows where.

Not long after we sit down the fans start to file in all looking smiley and happy which is what we all love to see, some look absolutely terrified to be meeting us, this is what shocks me the most about being famous, people no matter what back ground they come from can get nervous about meeting me... a genuine guy from America who is probably more nervous than them.

In the back of my mind there is only one thing I'm thinking of though will she be one of the fans we get to meet? All I can do is sit back meet some fans and hope that she is so I can find out about the mysterious girl in the crowd, its all just a waiting game I guess.

Hello people :)

well another chapter down and i have no idea how many more to go... hope u guys like the fact i did this one in toy's pov for a change the next one should be up some time in the next week enjoy

ciara xx

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